Friday, June 25, 2010

Five Random Questions:

Happy Friday! Someone had sent me 5 random questions to answer. So, here they are:

1. If given a choice to skip work for a day, how would you spend the entire day?
~I would sleep in. Finish some housework and then probably shop!

2.If you could start fresh, what profession would you choose?
~I would give anything to be a teacher.

3.What is your favorite candy or candy bar?
~Butterfinger is my all-time favorite candy bar. I love Sour Patch Kids, M&M's Peanuts, Olive Garden Mints.

4.Have your ever ordered anything from an infomercial or bought an"As seen on TV item"?
~No I have not.

5. Whats the movie you ALWAYS cry at??
~The Notebook...gets me everytime!! Last Song and Dear John made me cry too!!

~Hope you play along too!


Kimberly said...

I've got my dream job already, since I'm a teacher. But I had at one time considered doing something in the medical field, like a doctor or pyschologist or pharmacy.

As for the "as seen on TV"....I have a magic bullet, and my sister-in-law got me the "perfect brownie" for my birthday. I haven't used it yet. And I also have a Ron Popiel rotiserrie, you know..."set it....and forget it!" It makes a great chicken!

Pam said...

#2: DO IT! You don't want to look back at the end of your life and wish you did your heart's desire. You said you would do anything for it...find out what it would take, and do it! You are never too old to follow your dream (and I'm not saying you are old!).

Susan said...

You told a story on question have a Snuggie.

KyleAmandaLogan said...

OH that's right Mom! Kyle actually bought it though!! :) And you CANT do everything in it like the commerical says!!! You can't drink coffee because it won't stay on your arms!!