Monday, June 7, 2010

Crazy Eights

My friend, Kim, had posted this fun little game on her blog. I decided that I wanted to play along. It's called "Crazy Eights." Basically, you put 8 answers down to the questions that follow. Hope you play along....It seems fun!

8 TV Shows that I watch:
1. One Tree Hill
2. Desperate Housewives
3. Army Wives
4. Law and Order: SVU
5. King of Queens
6. Everybody Loves Raymond
7. The Middle
8. Extreme Home Makeover

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Mr. Gatti's
2. Olive Garden
3. Chick-fil-a
4. Slice of Life (Wilmington)
5. O'Charley's
6. The Bleu
7. Joe's Crabshack
8. Sticky Fingers

8 Things I look forward too:
1. Wilmington Vacation
2. Retirement
3. Disney World
4. Nights at home with my boys
5. Heaven
6. Having a baby (Lord willing)
7. Watching Logan and my nieces grow up
8. Growing old with Kyle

8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Went to church
2. Helped in Sunday School
3. Ate lunch with my sister-in-law, brother-in-law and niece
4. Took a long nap
5. Visited my parents
6. Ate soup and a grilled cheese sandwich
7. Laughed
8. Facebooked

8 Things I like about Winter:
1. My birthday
2. Christmas time
3. Warm blankets
4. My logs
5. Flannel sheets (even though Kyle says NO)
6. More Starbuck's trips
7. My homemade Chili
8. Sweaters

8 Things I am Passionate about:
1. Jesus
2. Logan
3. Kyle
4. My family
5. Doing what is right
6. My testimony
7. My friends
8. My legacy

8 Words/Phrases I use often:
1. Whatever
2. Seriously?!?
3. This is Amanda, How can I help you?
4. Really?!?
5. Shut up!!
7. I love you to the moon and back 1000 times

8 Things I've learned from my past:
1. God makes NO mistakes
2. Summer camp really will change your life forever and it will give you friends for a lifetime!
3. My mother really did know what she was talking about!
4. That old speech that you always received before getting a spanking and you swore you would never say that to your children....You really will say it!
5. I never knew love until I had Logan.
6. I never knew pain/heartache until I lost a baby!
7. God does hear our lonely cries and He will answer them the way He sees fit.
8. Giving blood is a life-changing experience!! (I gave blood and passed out...was picked on at work and because of all of that....Kyle wanted to meet me!!)

8 Places I want to visit or see:
1. Poland (again)
2. Czech Republic (again)
3. Germany
4. Ireland
5. New York...The Statue of Liberty
6. Prince Edward Island
7. Alaska
8. Mall of America

8 Things I need or want:
1. A baby
2. A Honda Civic (get rid of my van)
3. A laptop
4. A massage
5. To be worry-free
6. To go on a cruise
7. A new puppy
8. A raise!!!

~This was so much fun!! Hope you enjoyed and hope to read your answers too!


Jessica said...

It was so much fun reading your post! We have more in common than I ever knew!!

KyleAmandaLogan said...

Really?!? That's cool!