Wednesday, April 1, 2009

He's Finally Here......

My April Fool's Baby is here!!! Clayton Thomas Lowe was born today at 4:18pm and he is so cute!! Chubbiest cheeks, cute smile and the cutest bottom lip!! I just love him! I could hold him all night long but I had to share! He weighed 7lbs, 5oz and 19 1/2" long! Joy is doing great and Tommy is fitting in great with fatherhood!! I am so proud of Joy and wish her the best of luck! I love you, Joy!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Catching Up To Do...

Not much has happened in the Phelps' home except Soccer Season!! Boy, do I love this time of year. Logan plays for North Davidson league and also for the Spring Soccer at Union Grove. I am not sure how many years he has played but he truly enjoys it and he is really good (I'm not just saying that!). Although this year at Union Grove he has an awful coach. I am sorry to say, but this coach knows nothing about soccer, I don't think he has ever played before, and he never lets Logan play!! He's just horrible!!! I sure hope he isn't getting paid to coach!! JUST KIDDING....I am sure, some people's mouths are hanging open. Logan's coach is awesome and even if he was awful, it would be okay because I'm married to him!! Logan does get to play and he does score!! *I read this to Kyle and he wanted me to clarify that he did play all through high school* Please don't think that I think my husband is a bad coach, I just wanted to add some spice to my boring entry!

Also, I've been a little bummed the past couple of weeks. Me being a Duke fan has taken the past couple of weeks hard. I mean, we win the ACC and then blow (and I mean blow) the NCAA!! I am hoping that UNC wins but not because I like them or because I am pulling for them, but because I want a Carolina team to win. Trust me, I am not wasting my time watching a UNC game but I am cheering them on! Man, that was hard to type...I guess because I am saying it aloud in my head!

I am also patiently waiting the arrival of my best friend's baby! Her due date is April 7 but they tell her any day, so I am waiting for my phone to ring!! Also, my other best friends are going Thursday to find out what they are having...I am super excited about that too!

I have also been depressed this week...Can you believe my baby is turning 8 in a couple of days?? I can't believe that he is 8! These eight years have just flown by. I sit back and wonder where the time has went and I just can't figure it out. It seems like just yesterday I was bringing him into this world!! He has brought so much joy to my life!! I never really knew love until they placed him in my arms!! He is my life and I am so thankful for him and thankful that God trusted me enough to give me this precious little boy! This little boy who is counting down the days to NO MORE CAR SEAT!! He is sooooo excited!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

SNOW DAY with both of my boys today...

God gave us another beautiful snow...This time I got to make memories with both of my guys! Here's some pictures. Don't have time to write because they are wanting to go back out!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Good-bye Good Stuff...Hello Healthy Stuff

Many of you know me and some don't know me "well", so let me fill you in...I HATE WATER!! Yes, I know it's healthy for you and yes, I know it makes you feel more alive and yes, I work for a water company. In the years past, every time someone (mom) would say, "Amanda you really don't need to be drinking that, you will feel a lot better if you cut back on soft drinks", it was all just an annoying buzzing in my ears!! I didn't care and I love my soft drinks. I've tried "Diet" and it made me want to vomit....NO THANK YOU! Well, I have suffered from migraines for a couple of years. I've tried everything. Even went to a Specialist. He gave me some medicine and told me to cut back on soft drinks. Well, I did and the pills seemed to work somewhat but at the same time I was getting a different kind of headache, I was guessing it was from the lesser lack of caffeine. Well, I eventually eased back into the same amount of soft drinks and eating how I wanted. I am not an incredibly bad eater but I do eat more pizza and fried things than I should.

Well, long story short, I have changed my ways! I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and he wasn't at all happy with me. 1) I've gained more weight then I should, 2) My blood pressure was out the roof. My blood pressure was 160/116 (not good at all). I can say that I was very nervous about this appointment but still that bp just isn't good....I know that! I don't want to die so I've got to get it under control. I was told at 19 that I had high blood pressure and that they needed to put me on medicine. I had a really bad attack at work at 19 and they had to call Kyle to take me to the doctor, after that I was supposed to take a pill every day. High Blood Pressure is something I get from my Dad (and about 100 other things!!) I took the pills like I was supposed to, then everything stayed where it was supposed to so they winged me off. Now, I am back on them for good. So I determined after this doctor's appointment to say bye-bye to soft drinks and hello water!! I've not had a soft drink since Saturday and I've been drinking my weight in water. (I actually think a little too much). I've cut back on my meals, replaced snack foods with grapes, bananas and apples...Mmmm!! I've got to go back to the Dr on March 9 and I am hoping to be a few pounds lighter. Even if the pounds don't fall right off...I am HAPPY, feel more alive and I am taking control!!! PS, Checked my blood pressure today (She actually checked twice because it wasn't normal for me) 100/84 (Yay me!)

I realize I need to be around for a couple of years!! If something would happen to me, who would you all pick on??

GO DUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (just added for my friends)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Something I swore I would never do....

...Would be to attend a Carolina Themed Party. But the bad thing is...I helped throw the party!! Today, my best friend of 20 years had a baby shower!! I am so happy for her and so blessed to have her in my life. I can't wait for little Clayton Thomas Lowe to come into this world. He is going to be so spoiled and so loved!!! Michelle (another good friend from school) and Joy's 2 sisters and I got together to throw her a party. It went very well. She got some much stuff...and a lot of it was Tarheels *YUCK*!




I love this girl so much. She is my very best friend, the girl who know EVERYTHING about me, and the girl that makes me laugh and smile no matter what. She has been there for me since 1st grade...She's had my back so many times (not talking about fights, but talking about bailing me out of Spelling tests)! I couldn't imagine my life with out her. When I got pregnant, she never judged me and never turned her back on me. Same with her parents...they are as "real" as it gets! In fact, she throw me a baby shower at her house and then we had a sleepover....Oh the fun we had!! Although she played a horrible game at my shower and I wasn't allowed to play it at hers...The guessing of the string around the belly!! I think her string was
5' long!!!

Anyway, I had a wonderful day with my very best friend!! I love you, Joy!! And Clayton, I love you already!! *Joy you will always be my PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY, PINNAPPLE, CHOCOLATE MILK, CHEETOS, OATMEAL COOKIE, CAROLINA LOVIN' FRIEND!!!!!!



Saturday, February 14, 2009

Little note from me...

Happy Valentine's Day!!! Remember to dwell on the real reason for love....Jesus died for us!!
Enjoy your day with your special loved ones!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

God's Love, Man's Love

As Valentine's Day is approaching I can't help but think about love. This day is set aside each year for love. I use this day as a reminder of the greatest love and the greatest gift anyone can receive. Many people only think about this gift and this great love at Christmas time but why not at this holiday? If it wasn't for God's love, I wouldn't be here and I sure wouldn't know where my future lies. So my one true valentine is Jesus my Lord.

My other sweet valentine is my very best friend, Kyle Phelps!! He stole my heart 6 1/2 years ago and I find myself each day falling more and more in love with him. I am still falling head over heels in love with him. And I know that I couldn't have this love for him if I hadn't learned the true meaning of love. My God did not only teach me love but He showed me love and He introduced love to me. Even though I made a mistake 8 years ago, He forgave me and then created a pathway for Kyle and I to meet. I am so thankful that the Lord had a marvelous plan and in that plan was the meeting of Amanda Koonts and Kyle Phelps. I am one lucky girl!

My Little Valentine is none other than my baby boy...Oops, my big boy!! Without Logan, I honestly can say I would be lost. I grew up so much when I found out I was going to be a mommy. My life changed that year...but it changed for the better. I remember Valentine's Day 2001, when I thought that no one loved me because I sinned, but then my daddy took me out on a date and the whole time we were gone, Logan was kicking in my belly. At that moment I felt loved, needed and forgiven. And I knew that everything would be okay.

So this is why I chose to reflect on God's love...not Man's love. Because if it wasn't for my Heavenly Father, there wouldn't be any love in this world. God loved me, forgave me, loved me again and blessed me with a WONDERFUL family.
I am one LUCKY girl!!! I have four wonderful men in my life...My Lord, My Dad, My Husband, My Son....THANK YOU LORD!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Never leave your partner behind.....

Yesterday was an awesome day. The Lord blessed us with great weather (70 degrees in Feb) and it just turned out to be a wonderful day. We started out the day by going to lunch at Longhorn. Kyle's mother's birthday was on Thursday and the family decided to take her out to eat and she wanted to go bowling. So we all met at the restaurant for lunch. After a long time at the restaurant and several mistakes on the bill, we finally got out and headed to Creekside Lanes. I had reserved two lanes, one with bumpers for the kids and then one for the adults. Thank goodness they put us in the lane beside the tv...DUKE was playing!! The 3 grandkids and Grandma Donna bowled on the one with bumpers. Logan doesn't need the bumpers, he is actually really good (must be from the wii). Logan ended up beating everyone on that lane. I only bowled one game...I was to busy watching the Duke game to pay attention. Even though I was putting all my attention to the Duke game, I was still able to beat Kyle!!! That was all that mattered to me!! Kyle bowled in the second game and his ending score was still lower than mine....So I am the winner!! Oh yeah...Duke won too!

Later that night we headed to the showing of Fireproof that our church presented at North Davidson High School. We had already seen the movie but couldn't pass up the chance to watch it again. The demand for the movie was so overwhelming that Union Grove had to show it twice. I find that amazing. The 3:00 showing was full but the 6:00 was packed, no entry without a ticket!! I know that the Lord was glorified and that lives were touched and marriages were saved last night.

Kyle's sister, Amanda had offered to keep Logan for us. So Logan went home with them after we left the bowling alley. Logan had a great time playing over there. When we got there to pick him up, we got suckered into playing Phase 10. Phase 10 is our favorite game!! So we stayed and played. It was a great ending to a great day!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The title of my blog says it all....

Moments + Family + Memories = Blessed beyond belief.

I love my son more than words or actions could ever express. On Wednesday, February 4th, I chose to take a vacation day. It snowed the night before and I called off not because I couldn't make it into work but because I wanted a day of peace and a day to enjoy my son. My son is almost 8 and he is growing up so fast. I've come to realize and understand that God may not give us another child so I need to spend every possible time with the one that He has given us. I know that I was probably talked about at work or I figured I would catch some grief today but that was a price I was willing to take. As I look at it, they are my vacation days and I can use them however I please. I've never called in just to be off. It was a choice that I am so happy that I made.

There wasn't a lot of snow and it sure didn't pack very well but it was enough to have fun in. We got all suited up and headed outside, just the 2 of us. I tried to snap some pictures but it was rather hard to do because I was trying to dodge snowballs. Like I said, it didn't pack very well so he had to stand very close to me to hit me. We had so much fun!! Logan made snow angels, loved going down the slide, chased me around the house. We were pushing each other down in the yard...Just acting like kids! He tried to swing on his swing...And believe it or not, it broke!! I told him it was because he was fat...He died laughing at that! So don't try to swing on a swing after it's been frozen!!

I just had a wonderful, peaceful day making memories with the one that I love!! I am so thankful to God for giving him to me. I know that I wasn't worthy to be his mother but I know how blessed I am! I am living every day to it's in hand! Thank you Lord for my blessings!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Our new room

This weekend was busy. We had decided to re-do the "boy's room" downstairs. We have had mom and dad's sofa and love seat since we got married. When we bought this house we were able to buy our own couch and chair. We have a den downstairs that has been considered the boy's room. Although the only "boyish" thing was the playstation.
We decided back around christmas to sale the sofa and love seat (of course with mom and dad's approval). We posted it on Craiglist and we had several hits. Several weeks ago, Kyle's mom decided that she needed new furniture and she wanted to buy it. So Saturday morning we delivered the couches to her. I am so glad to get them out of here. Then we went to Target and bought 3 video game chairs. Two for Logan and his friends and of course one for Kyle. After we got home Saturday, Kyle and I decided to move the entertainment center (it's huge) and the rest of the room around. We were so tired come Saturday evening but at least we accomplished something. We now have the playstation, Kyle's foosball table, Gaming chairs, Army Men and Racetracks everywhere! And the good thing about it is...It doesn't bother me because it's their room! Oh yeah, it has Star Wars pictures and Comic Book stuff out!
So tonight, I am sitting here on the computer listening to Kyle and Logan play the foosball and playstation. The foosball table has been out in the garage for several years and it wasn't getting used so that's why we decided to bring it in. They love it! Logan just made the remark, "I can't believe momma finally let us bring this in!" I hate changes but this one was a good one!! They are really enjoying themselves!!

** Logan has beat Kyle 5 times in a row!! Go Logan!!**

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Oh Silent Night....

...How long will you stay? I had mixed emotions when I walked through the door a few minutes ago. First, I wasn't greeted by anyone. Second, there were no lights on anywhere in the house so of course I had a creepy feeling (I know, my fault for watching all the scary movies). Third, I don't know what to do with myself.
I love having my "children" gone sometime but it always leaves a lonely feeling. I hated pulling into the driveway and not seeing any lights on. To me, lights help make a home. Apparently, I can't get that through Kyle's head. Then my garage door wouldn't go up so I have to walk to the front door (in the dark and cold). As I am walking to the door, I start hearing this jingling sound (again, I've watched too many scary movies) so I start walking "very fast" to the front door. Then I am trying to unlock the door by using my sister's house key! So I have my hands full, trying to find the right key in the pitch black dark!! Luckily, after dropping the pizza, I find that the jingling noise was just my cat, Tyson! I would have figured that out earlier but I was told that he was in the basement. I guess all the facts weren't correct.
Now, to the other set of emotions. I love my family and I love all the fun that we have but honestly they drive me crazy sometimes. So coming home to a quiet house is very relaxing! As I was taking in all the peace and quiet, I reach the top of my stairs....What do I find?? BULLETS everywhere! Apparently, my "children" decided to have a war just before leaving for church. They must have been so rushed that they forgot to clean up the evidence. I have begged and pleaded for them NOT to play with it in the living room. I have candles, glass top tables and so many pictures frames in that room. But they enjoy shooting the bullets at the tv, glass table tops and my huge window over my front door!! Tonight they forgot to knock down one of the bullets that had stuck itself to my picture frame on the wall and also the 2 on my window!! Ah, Boys!! So I will be spending the rest of my quiet, peaceful, silent night picking up bullets. Nah, on the hand...I'm leaving them. Let them clean up their toys. Like I was taught, "Children must clean up their own messes!"
So as I am sitting here, I am just saying over and over in my head...Awww, the silence. Enjoy the silence because in 30 mins they will be back! So I am finished writing. I am going to go enjoy my last 25 minutes of peace.....

Monday, January 19, 2009

It's SNOWING....

Well I was wrong...I will admit it!! They were right this time!! So let's just see if it amounts to anything!!!

Let It Snow...

Well, all I've heard today is 50% chance of snow. So in my book that translates to 0%chance of snow. I am praying that I am completely wrong and that we wake up to a white ground tomorrow. That would be so nice. It would be even nicer if I wouldn't have to work. But supplying water to customers doesn't stop even if there is tons of snow. I remember working back in 2002, when all the ice was causing power outages...Davidson Water was still going strong. So I am sure that I will still be working tomorrow even if we wake up to snow.
Kyle has already been told that if there is snow, he will not have to come in. Kinda not fair since we both are employed by the same company but I wouldn't want him out there reading meters in that kind of weather. Plus his truck will slide everywhere. So I am relying on Kyle to take tons of pictures tomorrow if there is snow!!

All I can say is............PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SNOW!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Final Day...

Logan was very upset to see the last day of Spirit Week (a.k.a. Fun Week {per Logan}) go. He had so much fun dressing up every day. It actually gave him a reason to jump out of bed the first time we called for him! Yesterday was Red, White and Blue Day. Many would say...Oh what an easy day to do. Well, it's not! Especially for a boy. Everything that he had with those colors had prints on it or something was wrong with it according to Logan. It was very hard to make a final decision but we finally did. Thank goodness it was a cold day because the child wore 3 shirts!! I had to make sure he could move before we left the house. He wore a long sleeve navy shirt, with a white collared polo shirt over that and then a red t-shirt on top of all three. So the white collared was showing and the long sleeved blue shirt...and blue jeans!! He was happy with the end result!! I am just glad he could move and didn't sweat to death at school!! Enjoy:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Future Money Maker

Today was "I wanna be_______ when I grow up". Logan wants to be a soccer player. He wants to play for Team USA. I am all for that because he also says he is never going to get married so that means he will have enough money to support his loving parents when he is rich! Today was an easy day because he had everything that he would need. Although he couldn't wear shorts so he had to wear his shin guards on the outside of his pants (kinda tacky) and I wouldn't let him take a soccer ball to school. I know...Mean mother but I just knew that he would have a hard time paying attention if he had a ball at his feet. Also, we let him wear the shorts on the outside of his pants so he looked funny but he atleast he was following all rules! I made sure he knew to take the shorts off if anyone said anything because I didn't want a phone call or email at work telling me to come and pick him up because he wasn't following the guidelines! Luckily, he didn't have to remove the shorts.
He really enjoyed this day. I only have one picture because once again we were running very behind this morning so Kyle made the picture this afternoon. Enjoy:

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Much Better Day...Tacky But Better...

Today was a much happier place in the Phelps Household. The morning started off right- No smart mouth; I was able to take some pictures; I was on time; He remembered his spelling book and the best of all NO EMAIL FROM THE TEACHER!! I really don't having anything else to share other than the Wacky/Tacky picture. And I must say...HE IS TACKY!! His dad picked out and dressed him this morning! After school he went to mom's and I prayed that she would tell all the mothers when they came to get their children, that we don't actually think this matches!! Tell me what you think. The picture really doesn't do it justice. *It's camo pants, and totally different camo long sleeve shirt, and Hawaiian button-up shirt, camo crocs and white socks!*

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Boy Oh Boy....

I could scream!! Ever feel that way?? Oh my, Logan has truly pushed my buttons the past couple of days. He has gotten EXTREMELY sloppy with his handwriting and he is forgetting alot of things. Well, he was already in trouble this morning for being very smart mouth to me and Kyle so he had already pushed too many buttons. Well, I drop him off at school and I no more get started on my already stressful day and my email dings...I have an email from Miss Wright. I look at the clock and I see that it is only 8:20, thinking to myself and praying that he isn't in trouble I open the email. It reads:
Dear Mrs. Phelps,
Logan has left his spelling book at home the last two nights. Please make sure he brings it back tomorrow.
He needs to write or finish his sentences and do pages 36-37 tonight.
There is no need for you to leave work and bring it.

~Okay, so not as bad as I thought, or is it? Well, I decided to just make sure that he finishes it all tonight and make sure he puts his book back in his bookbag. So, when Kyle called me around 4:30 I told him to make sure Logan did those pages and that he finished his sentences.
I am thinking all along that the sentences where something to do with his spelling words. Boy, was I wrong. He had to write 15 sentences stating that "I will remember to bring my spelling book back to school." The thing that gets me is he had to write 10 yesterday because he didn't bring it, then today she told him to write 5 more times but because they were so messy and so unreadable he has to write them 15 more times!! So I get to spend my relaxing night standing over him making sure they are numbered correctly and that they are readable. He has to write one sentence, bring it to me, if it is readable, move to the next one! He has been doing this for 45 mins and we are only on number 3!! I've never seen so much erasing!! I don't know if the sloppy writing is because he is a boy or if it's because he doesn't care or laziness!! I don't know but after the stressful day I had a work, I so didn't need this!!! You would think after writing 10 sentences one day, you would remember your book. Let's see if he remembers after 15 sentences!
Kyle and I have a bet. We aren't going to remind him to put the book in his bookbag. We are going to see if it is still laying on his desk in the morning. If it is...I will get it and take it to her in the morning and then Logan will have to write 20 of my sentences...And they won't be so easy!!

Okay, on a funnier note...
The Tooth Fairy did come last night and she did have money so no IOU's (mom)! The only reason she had money was because she ordered Dusina's last night and luckily the delivery guy had change for a $5 (Thanks Josh!). Okay, so Logan puts himself to bed every night so we reminded him to put the tooth under there so just in case she comes she would be able to find it. Well, Mr Tooth Fairy went in there last night (Mr goes in before Mrs just to make sure the kids are asleep) well Mr couldn't find the tooth but Mrs decided to leave the money anyways. Well, this morning when Logan woke up, he starts getting dressed for school (He's very excited because of Spirit week) anyways, he forgets to look under his pillow. Well I remind him so he goes in there to look and he was very excited to find $2. But he came out calling her a "SUCKER" because he got to keep the tooth. He said he didn't put it under there because he wanted to see if she would still leave him money!! Man, I wish she would have known that because I guarantee you, there wouldn't have been any money under there this morning!!!

As I mentioned Spirit Week is this week. So far we have had fun picking out his clothes. I wish I would have taken pictures every morning but I'm doing good just to get us there on time! Monday was PJ day, and he won the best pj's in his class. Today was Dynamatic Duo day. He was Batman and his cousin, Trey was Robin. Tomorrow is Tacky/Wacky Day, Thursday is "I wanna be...Day" (he's going as a Team USA Soccer player-because that is what he is going to be when he grows up), and Friday is Red, White, Blue Day. The kids sure are having fun this week.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Tooth Fairy Is Coming Tonight...

Logan pulled out his 7th tooth today. Thank goodness the Tooth Fairy has dollar bills in her wallet!! He did it differently this time, normally he pulls it out during church or children's church but this time it was during class.
Just thought I would share his good news!