Thursday, February 4, 2010

One Proud Momma

Proud isn't even the proper word for the way I feel towards Logan today! He brought home his Progress Report yesterday and I was so very impressed!! This boy DOESN'T take after me in half of these classes...He does excellent. Growing up I hated Math....didn't even care to try. I know that is a very bad attitude to have and yes, I wish my mindset would have been different because I do struggle now in some things. Logan LOVES Math...He loves numbers. He likes to be riding in the car and just throw out "large" random numbers, asking you to add or subtract them. He thinks it is hilarious if we mess up =).

This kid also enjoys History and Science...another thing NOT from me. He would rather watch the History Channel or the Learning Channel instead of Disney. Which is fine with me because he has learned some very interesting facts. Like last night at the supper table, he looked at me and said, "Momma, do you know how old Albert Einstein was when he died?" I answered, "No, do you?" and of course he did! He loves to learn facts and figures about WWI and WWII and Pearl Harbor...anything like that. He can tell you how many people died in each war, how many were wounded. This summer we went to Wilmington two different times and both times we had to tour Fort Fisher (even though nothing changed in that 2 month time period), but while we were there, Kyle and Logan had to act out the attack. Logan then informed me that there were 2 brothers that fought against each other during that war. One decided to fight for the South and the other for the North. He asked me, "Momma, wouldn't you hate to be their mother? You would have to choose which one you wanted to win." I am just totally amazed at how much knowledge my 8 year old has in that little brain!! ~For Christmas, all he wanted was a box set of DVD's about WWII!! Needless to say, he got them...all 19 hours of them!

He is having a hard time with Writing though. He can't grasp the fact that Miss Nease will count off for sloppy hand-writing. Oh well, we will continue to work on that but for now, I will be sooo happy with these outstanding grades!! WAY TO GO LOGAN!! WE ARE SOOOO PROUD OF YOU!!


Bible 98A History 98A English 88B Math 95A Reading 94A- Science/Health 87B

Spelling 93A- Writing 85C+ Music 100A+

Loading the Cannons with their feet.

Firing the Cannons

Reading about the bell...Battleship NC

On deck of the battleship. Logan is so small.


Kimberly said...

Congrats Logan! Sounds like he and Buddy would get along too. During the snow, we watched a marathon of the show "How It's Made", along with other shows off the Hisory channel.

KyleAmandaLogan said...

Yes, they would. Kyle loves that stuff too!! I am bored to death watching it but I can't out numbered sometimes!

Diane Teague said...

Wahoo Logan!!!!! Cute and brains what combination. His picture is great. Glad to see you back.

Kim said...

Way to go Logan! Love your blog picture of him on the beach!

Angie Tullock said...

"Way to go Logan!" Good job on those grades and good post!