As I am writing this post, I am crying my eyes out while asking the question "WHY"! Today, I lost a friend...very suddenly! I am listening to the song "Praise You in this Storm" over and over and I want to obey those words but it is so hard not to ask the questions that are so common for us as humans, WHY...She was so young (my age)?! Jessica was a wonderful christian. Her love for her Savior was so real and she loved Him with all her heart. She was a wonderful friend, wife, mother and daughter. She has touched so many lives but I know that she has impacted the lives of her two, beautiful, young babies! Her daughter just turned 2 in Dec and her baby boy isn't even 1 yet. I can't even imagine.
I met Jessica back in 1998 when I went with Word of Life to Poland and Czech Republic. We become good friends right away. The whole month we were together...She was a nut! She was also from VA so we didn't live too far away. She was amazing on this trip. She wasn't shy at all...She came right out of that shell and was leading people to Christ left and right. She was an excellent role model and I tried to follow her footsteps that month. I don't even know how many people she lead to the Lord on that trip but I know that there will be more in Heaven because of her. She went on many trips after that and she also attended WOL Hungry for college. She was an amazing witness for her Lord!
After we returned from our mission trip, we kept in touch. Her mom would drive her to Greensboro and my parents would drive me there and then I would go the rest of the way to VA with her...We would spend the whole weekend and sometimes part of the week together. She was a great friend. We stayed in contact through letters and stuff but as we got older we lost contact. Thankfully through Facebook we found each other again and started right back up. I enjoyed chatting with her through there and I loved looking at all her pictures of her beautiful babies! We were even making plans to meet up in a couple of weeks when she made her way back to Greensboro. Oh, how I am going to miss that reunion but I know that I will be reunited with you one day!! Thank you for being a great friend and role model!
When I got the news today, I was so shocked and so very sick on my stomach. I feel so much pain for her family but especially for those babies. Abigail is not at the age to understand where Mommy is. I am praying for strength for that family. I can't imagine the pain that each of them are going through. I pray for her mother because she is the one who found her, she is going to have to deal with that image forever. I can't imagine. I know that her mother and her were very close and I pray for strength for her mother. God's grace is sufficient and I know that He will bring them through. Please join me in prayer for this family, the Boozer/Breedlove Family.
I Will Praise You In This Storm! I will raise my hands and praise the God who gives and takes away!!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Back by poplar demand....
It's Family Night!!
We had set aside Tuesday's as family night about a year ago. We would do whatever Logan wanted, whether it be playing cards, board games, Wii or watching a movie. We would order Dusina's and just enjoy the night together without fussing or fighting! Family night kinda faded away during the summer months and then it was hard to pick back up because something always came up. Well, last week Logan asked if we could PLEASE (said with puppy dog eyes & pouty lips) if we could start it back up this Tuesday. Of course, I couldn't say no to that pitiful look!
Well, last week we got the notification that Spring Soccer started on Tuesday. Logan was a little disappointed because Family night would begin later than normal but I promised that we would still do it. Last night after practice I ordered our usual from Dusina's. We watched Nick while we ate and then Kyle and Logan played some Foosball...I believe they each won a game. Then we played Army men...What fun that was :). We finished the night playing Mother's Helper. Probably most of you have no clue what this is....It's a game from 1969 and it's so much fun. I remembered playing that game growing up, usually with the kids mom would keep. Well, the other day I went into the top of mom's closet to look for it and I was so happy when I found it. I figured Logan wouldn't like it though because it is a very old game. Boy, was I wrong...he LOVES it! He wants to play it over and over. So needless to say, we played that several times last night and each time...He is the ultimate Mother's Helper! (If only that was real).
We had set aside Tuesday's as family night about a year ago. We would do whatever Logan wanted, whether it be playing cards, board games, Wii or watching a movie. We would order Dusina's and just enjoy the night together without fussing or fighting! Family night kinda faded away during the summer months and then it was hard to pick back up because something always came up. Well, last week Logan asked if we could PLEASE (said with puppy dog eyes & pouty lips) if we could start it back up this Tuesday. Of course, I couldn't say no to that pitiful look!
Well, last week we got the notification that Spring Soccer started on Tuesday. Logan was a little disappointed because Family night would begin later than normal but I promised that we would still do it. Last night after practice I ordered our usual from Dusina's. We watched Nick while we ate and then Kyle and Logan played some Foosball...I believe they each won a game. Then we played Army men...What fun that was :). We finished the night playing Mother's Helper. Probably most of you have no clue what this is....It's a game from 1969 and it's so much fun. I remembered playing that game growing up, usually with the kids mom would keep. Well, the other day I went into the top of mom's closet to look for it and I was so happy when I found it. I figured Logan wouldn't like it though because it is a very old game. Boy, was I wrong...he LOVES it! He wants to play it over and over. So needless to say, we played that several times last night and each time...He is the ultimate Mother's Helper! (If only that was real).
I am so happy that Family Night is back!! GOOD JOB LOGAN for bringing it back!!

I hate the color WHITE....
Whoever is praying for this white stuff...PLEASE STOP!!! I am so tired of snow!! Plus I have to work until 7 tonight and then I would like to travel to Thomasville to see the new addition to the Kepley family!! I am so tired of this stuff. All I want is WARM weather and to wear my skirts with flip-flops! I know that's not to much to ask!!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Today's Announcement.....
The long awaited arrival of Riley Brooke Kepley is HERE!!!! Just got the call that she entered this world today!! She was born at 12:30pm, weighing in at 7lbs 11oz. and 20" long with dark hair! They say they aren't sure who she looks like but apparently the dark hair is her mommy's because daddy has red hair :). Everyone is doing great, just tired! I am sooo happy for you all! Love you guys!
I can't wait to go see her tomorrow night! So pictures will follow soon!
I can't wait to go see her tomorrow night! So pictures will follow soon!
The 3 S's I have been waiting for....
It's here...It's here...It's finally here!!! I am so excited for Soccer Season!!! Logan starts practice tonight and he is beyond ready! I am ready as well. I love watching him play...he runs up and down that field like he owns it :). I must say, he is rather talented when it comes to soccer! He is excited to be on Trey Seabolt's team again (his friend from church). They play so well together!
It's almost time for Spring Soccer at school too. Logan is upset that Kyle can't coach him again this year but Kyle's new work schedule is always in the air until the morning of. But even if Kyle can't coach, I know Logan will still enjoy himself!
It's here...It's here...It's finally here!!! I am so excited for Soccer Season!!! Logan starts practice tonight and he is beyond ready! I am ready as well. I love watching him play...he runs up and down that field like he owns it :). I must say, he is rather talented when it comes to soccer! He is excited to be on Trey Seabolt's team again (his friend from church). They play so well together!
It's almost time for Spring Soccer at school too. Logan is upset that Kyle can't coach him again this year but Kyle's new work schedule is always in the air until the morning of. But even if Kyle can't coach, I know Logan will still enjoy himself!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Come On Warm Weather
I got so spoiled by this wonderful weather this weekend. I was so excited to pull out my capris and shoes WITH NO SOCKS!! But this morning as I was getting ready for work, I heard that we are supposed to get more of that stinking white stuff this week. I sure am hoping they are wrong.
This weekend was simply wonderful. Friday night we had a great time with friends. Kyle's cousin just got engaged over Valentine's...He took her to the Magic Kingdom and popped the question right in front of the castle! It was very romantic. We met them in Greensboro Friday night and we celebrated their engagement. We had a great time.
Then Saturday was a great day of shopping with my hubby and then Saturday night we went to Mom's for supper. Once a month, the Everhart's (mom's side of the family) gets together at one of the houses for a great time of food, fellowship and sometimes games! The supper was delish and the card game was great as well!
Sunday was a beautiful day as well. The weather was unbelievable. Our church was hosting a Blood Drive in honor of a member's family member that just past away. From what I hear, it was an excellent turn out. Sunday morning service was great (as always). I just love and enjoy listening to Pastor's words. They just speak to me and I am so grateful that we moved to this wonderful church. Emma had a basketball game during the afternoon. The team played well but the refs were ridiculous! I think I could have been a better least I know the rules and I know how to call them fairly and correctly!! Anyways, Emma played well. Last night, after church we went with some friends to Chili's for some yummy food and fellowship. I enjoy getting together with friends!!
Logan had a dentist appointment this morning and we have good news...NO CAVITIES!! YAY!! He was very proud of himself! He loves going to the dentist and he loves getting good reports!
I sure hope the weather stays beautiful and I hope each day warms up!! Soccer season is approaching and I am so happy. Practice starts tomorrow night for Logan. He is so ready and I am ready for some action!! I enjoy watching him play!!
This weekend was simply wonderful. Friday night we had a great time with friends. Kyle's cousin just got engaged over Valentine's...He took her to the Magic Kingdom and popped the question right in front of the castle! It was very romantic. We met them in Greensboro Friday night and we celebrated their engagement. We had a great time.
Then Saturday was a great day of shopping with my hubby and then Saturday night we went to Mom's for supper. Once a month, the Everhart's (mom's side of the family) gets together at one of the houses for a great time of food, fellowship and sometimes games! The supper was delish and the card game was great as well!
Sunday was a beautiful day as well. The weather was unbelievable. Our church was hosting a Blood Drive in honor of a member's family member that just past away. From what I hear, it was an excellent turn out. Sunday morning service was great (as always). I just love and enjoy listening to Pastor's words. They just speak to me and I am so grateful that we moved to this wonderful church. Emma had a basketball game during the afternoon. The team played well but the refs were ridiculous! I think I could have been a better least I know the rules and I know how to call them fairly and correctly!! Anyways, Emma played well. Last night, after church we went with some friends to Chili's for some yummy food and fellowship. I enjoy getting together with friends!!
Logan had a dentist appointment this morning and we have good news...NO CAVITIES!! YAY!! He was very proud of himself! He loves going to the dentist and he loves getting good reports!
I sure hope the weather stays beautiful and I hope each day warms up!! Soccer season is approaching and I am so happy. Practice starts tomorrow night for Logan. He is so ready and I am ready for some action!! I enjoy watching him play!!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
One Party, Two Parties...Waiting for Three Parties
Well, yesterday was my sister's birthday. We normally all get together for each other's birthday and we go out to eat where ever the birthday person picks. Christy picked Main Street Deli last night so we all meet there for some good laughs and fellowship. I can't say enough how much I love spending time with my family. Although, this time it was kinda different because Dad wasn't there. He had to work, but rest assured we took him one of their famous Roast Beef Sandwich!! After dinner we went back to Christy's for some coffee and birthday cake....YUM!
Today is a co-worker's last day, so I planned a going away party to congratulate her. She will be missed but she is bettering herself. I picked up the cake last night and boy was it yummy too! I had to drive home with that smelling up my car, all I wanted to do was dive right in! The party turned out really well and she was surprised. I was very impressed that the guys kept it a secret. We had a lot of snack foods...I'm glad so it can tie me over until my lunch time.
I know I have mentioned that my friend, Michelle is due any day now with her first baby. Well, at her baby shower we took a poll to see when Baby Riley would arrive. We had to pick the weight, length, day, time and name (we all should have gotten the name right)! Unfortunately, my day and time was yesterday and Baby Riley didn't make her appearance. I am ready for her to get her so I can kiss her little cheeks!! I know mommy and daddy is so ready too!! Her actual due date isn't until the 21st but we were all hoping for an early arrival. Fingers still crossed little girl!!
Today is a co-worker's last day, so I planned a going away party to congratulate her. She will be missed but she is bettering herself. I picked up the cake last night and boy was it yummy too! I had to drive home with that smelling up my car, all I wanted to do was dive right in! The party turned out really well and she was surprised. I was very impressed that the guys kept it a secret. We had a lot of snack foods...I'm glad so it can tie me over until my lunch time.
I know I have mentioned that my friend, Michelle is due any day now with her first baby. Well, at her baby shower we took a poll to see when Baby Riley would arrive. We had to pick the weight, length, day, time and name (we all should have gotten the name right)! Unfortunately, my day and time was yesterday and Baby Riley didn't make her appearance. I am ready for her to get her so I can kiss her little cheeks!! I know mommy and daddy is so ready too!! Her actual due date isn't until the 21st but we were all hoping for an early arrival. Fingers still crossed little girl!!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Just a Crazy Late Night Snackin' (Inside joke)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Thank you Lord for your blessings on me....
I know I have mentioned this before but I must say it again...I am one blessed girl! I have a great family and I have wonderful friends. There isn't a weekend that goes by that I don't try to get together with some friends. I LOVE spending time with them. Each of them are special in their own way...They each have ways of encouraging me and loving me. I am so blessed!!
My very best friend in all the world is Joy. We've been together since 2nd grade and our friendship is wonderful. I can tell her anything and know that I won't be judged. She tells me the truth and tells me how it is. She is married to a wonderful man and they have one beautiful little boy! It's amazing how it all starts with just two little girls as friends and then it turns into two families that are great friends.
My other best girlfriend has just came into my life about 2 years ago. I don't know what I would do without Ashley. She is wonderful. I feel like I can talk to her and she will always be there for me. Her husband, Magnum was one of my good friends all through school and one day we found each other on Myspace and our friendship started right back up. And I am so thankful for that because now I have a great girlfriend! God is amazing at how He works! They have a beautiful little girl now that I love so very much. She is very special to my family. Logan loves her to death and he has promised Magnum and Ashley that he will protect her always. I think that is the sweetest thing.
~~I just wanted to say that I love you all....The Lowe's and The Barnette's!! Thank you all for being in my life.
My very best friend in all the world is Joy. We've been together since 2nd grade and our friendship is wonderful. I can tell her anything and know that I won't be judged. She tells me the truth and tells me how it is. She is married to a wonderful man and they have one beautiful little boy! It's amazing how it all starts with just two little girls as friends and then it turns into two families that are great friends.
My other best girlfriend has just came into my life about 2 years ago. I don't know what I would do without Ashley. She is wonderful. I feel like I can talk to her and she will always be there for me. Her husband, Magnum was one of my good friends all through school and one day we found each other on Myspace and our friendship started right back up. And I am so thankful for that because now I have a great girlfriend! God is amazing at how He works! They have a beautiful little girl now that I love so very much. She is very special to my family. Logan loves her to death and he has promised Magnum and Ashley that he will protect her always. I think that is the sweetest thing.
~~I just wanted to say that I love you all....The Lowe's and The Barnette's!! Thank you all for being in my life.

Magnum and Ashley Barnette and Bella

~My family is the greatest too~ I am so BLESSED....

Monday, February 15, 2010
But the greatest of these is LOVE~
I was looking so forward to a wonderful weekend, not only because it was Valentine's Day but because my little man was going to be home. But 2 things had to happen this weekend to make it just a little depressing....1) SNOW 2) SICKNESS!!
But even with sickness we still enjoyed our day together and we still had Logan's pick for lunch...Captain Steven's (brought home).
Logan was asked by Nana (my mom) to spend the night on Friday. My dad was working so it was just the two of them. Logan picked to eat at McDonald's (no surprise there) and then they went back to mom's for games and movies.
Kyle and I went to Panera Bread and Starbucks. Logan hates both and I hate McDonald's so this worked out perfectly for the both of us :). As I am walking out the door at Panera Bread, I find snow falling and falling fast! I usually love snow but I have honestly had enough of this white stuff! I am tired of wearing jackets, I am tired of wearing 3 pairs of socks (I am not a fan of socks anyways), and I am just tired of being cold!! I just want to wear my FLIP FLOPS!! And why, does it have to do it on the weekends?!? All I want is to go shopping or just mess around on Saturdays but with this weather, it's so hard to do anything. But I will admit, it was very pretty coming down and I was happy that it was gone by noon on Saturday!!
Saturday was a pretty peaceful day. I was sick and up most of the night Friday night so my dear husband cleaned the house for me on Saturday. We had friends that was coming over to celebrate Valentine's with us. Logan made 5 personal pizzas and then we played games and just spent time together. We are so blessed to have wonderful friends!! Later that night, the sickness hit our friends and also Logan. So the game night was cut short.
Valentine's Day fell on Sunday this year. I missed not being a church but Logan was running a fever Sunday morning and was still feeling yucky. So, Kyle went on to church and then stopped by and got our Valentine dinner! That afternoon was spent relaxing...watching tv and taking some naps! Kyle then got the sickness in the afternoon so all of us stayed home last night from church. Luckily, we all feel 100% better today.
~No matter the day, or the circumstances....I love spending time with my family. The family that God gave me. I am so blessed and so happy! Thank you Lord for giving me love and for letting me be loved!
But even with sickness we still enjoyed our day together and we still had Logan's pick for lunch...Captain Steven's (brought home).
Logan was asked by Nana (my mom) to spend the night on Friday. My dad was working so it was just the two of them. Logan picked to eat at McDonald's (no surprise there) and then they went back to mom's for games and movies.
Kyle and I went to Panera Bread and Starbucks. Logan hates both and I hate McDonald's so this worked out perfectly for the both of us :). As I am walking out the door at Panera Bread, I find snow falling and falling fast! I usually love snow but I have honestly had enough of this white stuff! I am tired of wearing jackets, I am tired of wearing 3 pairs of socks (I am not a fan of socks anyways), and I am just tired of being cold!! I just want to wear my FLIP FLOPS!! And why, does it have to do it on the weekends?!? All I want is to go shopping or just mess around on Saturdays but with this weather, it's so hard to do anything. But I will admit, it was very pretty coming down and I was happy that it was gone by noon on Saturday!!
Saturday was a pretty peaceful day. I was sick and up most of the night Friday night so my dear husband cleaned the house for me on Saturday. We had friends that was coming over to celebrate Valentine's with us. Logan made 5 personal pizzas and then we played games and just spent time together. We are so blessed to have wonderful friends!! Later that night, the sickness hit our friends and also Logan. So the game night was cut short.
Valentine's Day fell on Sunday this year. I missed not being a church but Logan was running a fever Sunday morning and was still feeling yucky. So, Kyle went on to church and then stopped by and got our Valentine dinner! That afternoon was spent relaxing...watching tv and taking some naps! Kyle then got the sickness in the afternoon so all of us stayed home last night from church. Luckily, we all feel 100% better today.
~No matter the day, or the circumstances....I love spending time with my family. The family that God gave me. I am so blessed and so happy! Thank you Lord for giving me love and for letting me be loved!

Thursday, February 11, 2010
The Battle of the Blues...
I am grinning from ear to ear today!! I am so proud to be a follower of the Dark Blue!! What an awesome game that was..."The Battle of the Blues" turned into the "Fourth Loss in a row for the ugly light blues!" I was so happy...just a wee bit nervous seeing as the lead kept flip flopping around, but in the end, I was pumped!! I am glad that UNC showed up, because it was a great game!
I loved watching Logan watch the game. This year he has become so Sport's Minded that he honestly cracks us up. I am usually the one standing up the whole time and yelling at the tv but not this game! He kept yelling for them to pass the ball to Smith...He will sink the 3!! And then he turns to us and says, "What is up with these foul shots? Neither team can make them. Which is good for us but come on!!" I think I was the proudest at that moment :)!! And boy, was he YELLING at the tv every time a foul was called or wasn't called!! Finally, he is taking after me with something!! ~He even asked last night if a "Koonts" has ever played for Duke, because he wants to be the 1st!!~
Last night was also a good night because I took a step forward in hopes to one day save someone's life. Kyle and I went to get our cheeks swabbed....We are now in the National Database for Bone Marrow Donors. I am very excited. I have gotten over my fear about "what if I am the perfect match", because I know that God will bring me rest and peace at that time. Wouldn't it be wonderful to know that you saved someone's life?!? I mean, I am an organ donor but when that time comes, I will have no idea who all I saved but this way, I can!! Makes you feel all giddy inside!
~Take the time to go to this website: (this is the young man we took the step for)
"...there are three things we should all do everyday. We should do this everyday of our lives. Number one is laugh. You should laugh everyday. Number two is think. You should spend some time in thought. Number three is, you should have your emotions moved to tears, could be happiness or joy. But think about it. If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special."
"Don't give up, don't ever give up."
Jim Valvano
I loved watching Logan watch the game. This year he has become so Sport's Minded that he honestly cracks us up. I am usually the one standing up the whole time and yelling at the tv but not this game! He kept yelling for them to pass the ball to Smith...He will sink the 3!! And then he turns to us and says, "What is up with these foul shots? Neither team can make them. Which is good for us but come on!!" I think I was the proudest at that moment :)!! And boy, was he YELLING at the tv every time a foul was called or wasn't called!! Finally, he is taking after me with something!! ~He even asked last night if a "Koonts" has ever played for Duke, because he wants to be the 1st!!~
Last night was also a good night because I took a step forward in hopes to one day save someone's life. Kyle and I went to get our cheeks swabbed....We are now in the National Database for Bone Marrow Donors. I am very excited. I have gotten over my fear about "what if I am the perfect match", because I know that God will bring me rest and peace at that time. Wouldn't it be wonderful to know that you saved someone's life?!? I mean, I am an organ donor but when that time comes, I will have no idea who all I saved but this way, I can!! Makes you feel all giddy inside!
~Take the time to go to this website: (this is the young man we took the step for)

"...there are three things we should all do everyday. We should do this everyday of our lives. Number one is laugh. You should laugh everyday. Number two is think. You should spend some time in thought. Number three is, you should have your emotions moved to tears, could be happiness or joy. But think about it. If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special."
"Don't give up, don't ever give up."
Jim Valvano
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
What a COLD and WINDY day!!! I wish I could have just stayed home in my warm pj's, but instead, I am here at work with a big blanket wrapped around my legs and feet! I am so ready for Spring!
I am so excited for today. I had decided several weeks ago to go and get my cheeks swabbed so I would be able to be a Bone Marrow donor. I have heard about this and wondered about this for a while, but about 1 month ago, I received an email on Facebook concerning a young guy (probably about my age) from right here in Welcome who is battling Plasma Cytoma--which is cancer of the plasma cells. North Davidson is having a Bone Marrow Drive for him today and I am going to get tested in hopes that I can help him or one day help someone else. Kyle is also going so hopefully, one of us will be a "Blessing" to someone one day. I am really terrified because what if I am a perfect match?? But I know that God will help me through it and I could be giving life to someone who without my help, could die. That is my reason for doing this today!
On another note...My Duke Blue Devils plays the Tarheels tonight!! I am so hoping that my Devils show up and the Tarheels will carry on with their wonderful streak!! I hope that it's a good game though, I do hope for some real ball playing and not just a "hand it to me" game!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOO DUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited for today. I had decided several weeks ago to go and get my cheeks swabbed so I would be able to be a Bone Marrow donor. I have heard about this and wondered about this for a while, but about 1 month ago, I received an email on Facebook concerning a young guy (probably about my age) from right here in Welcome who is battling Plasma Cytoma--which is cancer of the plasma cells. North Davidson is having a Bone Marrow Drive for him today and I am going to get tested in hopes that I can help him or one day help someone else. Kyle is also going so hopefully, one of us will be a "Blessing" to someone one day. I am really terrified because what if I am a perfect match?? But I know that God will help me through it and I could be giving life to someone who without my help, could die. That is my reason for doing this today!
On another note...My Duke Blue Devils plays the Tarheels tonight!! I am so hoping that my Devils show up and the Tarheels will carry on with their wonderful streak!! I hope that it's a good game though, I do hope for some real ball playing and not just a "hand it to me" game!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOO DUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010
Just for fun....See what all YOU have done:
I saw this list on another blog and thought I would re-post it here. Basically, there are 99 things on the list and you put a star by the ones you have done before. Here's my list.
***1. Started your own blog
***2. Slept under the stairs
***3. Played in a band (hope high school band counts)
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
***6. Given more than you could afford to charity
***7. Been to Disneyland/Disney World
***8. Climbed a mountain
***9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
***16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables (does Farmville count??)
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
***21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitchhiked
23. Taken a sick day when your weren't sick
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Ran a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola
29. Seen a total eclipse
***30. Watched a sunrise or a sunset
***31. Hit a home run
***32. Been on a cruise
***33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
***35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied.
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michaelangelo's David in person
***41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful erupt
***43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
***45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been inside an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep see fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
***52. Kissed in the rain
***53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout cookies
62. Gone whale watching
***63. Got flowers for no reason
***64. Donated blood, plasma, or platelets
65. Gone sky diving
***66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
***68. Flown in a helicopter
***69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
***76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London (Not in London but in Czech Republic)
***77. Broken a bone (my nose)
***78. Been on a motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Visited the Vatican
***81. Bought a brand new car
82. Walked in Jerusalem
83. Published a book
***84. Had your picture in the newspaper
***85. Read the entire Bible.
86. Seen the White House in person
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
***88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved some one's life
90. Sat on a jury
***91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
***93. Lost a loved one
***94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Seen the Great Lakes in person
97. Been involved in a lawsuit
***98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
***1. Started your own blog
***2. Slept under the stairs
***3. Played in a band (hope high school band counts)
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
***6. Given more than you could afford to charity
***7. Been to Disneyland/Disney World
***8. Climbed a mountain
***9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
***16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables (does Farmville count??)
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
***21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitchhiked
23. Taken a sick day when your weren't sick
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Ran a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola
29. Seen a total eclipse
***30. Watched a sunrise or a sunset
***31. Hit a home run
***32. Been on a cruise
***33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
***35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied.
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michaelangelo's David in person
***41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful erupt
***43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
***45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been inside an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep see fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
***52. Kissed in the rain
***53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout cookies
62. Gone whale watching
***63. Got flowers for no reason
***64. Donated blood, plasma, or platelets
65. Gone sky diving
***66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
***68. Flown in a helicopter
***69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
***76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London (Not in London but in Czech Republic)
***77. Broken a bone (my nose)
***78. Been on a motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Visited the Vatican
***81. Bought a brand new car
82. Walked in Jerusalem
83. Published a book
***84. Had your picture in the newspaper
***85. Read the entire Bible.
86. Seen the White House in person
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
***88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved some one's life
90. Sat on a jury
***91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
***93. Lost a loved one
***94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Seen the Great Lakes in person
97. Been involved in a lawsuit
***98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
Oh yes........
Thursday, February 4, 2010
One Proud Momma
Proud isn't even the proper word for the way I feel towards Logan today! He brought home his Progress Report yesterday and I was so very impressed!! This boy DOESN'T take after me in half of these classes...He does excellent. Growing up I hated Math....didn't even care to try. I know that is a very bad attitude to have and yes, I wish my mindset would have been different because I do struggle now in some things. Logan LOVES Math...He loves numbers. He likes to be riding in the car and just throw out "large" random numbers, asking you to add or subtract them. He thinks it is hilarious if we mess up =).
This kid also enjoys History and Science...another thing NOT from me. He would rather watch the History Channel or the Learning Channel instead of Disney. Which is fine with me because he has learned some very interesting facts. Like last night at the supper table, he looked at me and said, "Momma, do you know how old Albert Einstein was when he died?" I answered, "No, do you?" and of course he did! He loves to learn facts and figures about WWI and WWII and Pearl Harbor...anything like that. He can tell you how many people died in each war, how many were wounded. This summer we went to Wilmington two different times and both times we had to tour Fort Fisher (even though nothing changed in that 2 month time period), but while we were there, Kyle and Logan had to act out the attack. Logan then informed me that there were 2 brothers that fought against each other during that war. One decided to fight for the South and the other for the North. He asked me, "Momma, wouldn't you hate to be their mother? You would have to choose which one you wanted to win." I am just totally amazed at how much knowledge my 8 year old has in that little brain!! ~For Christmas, all he wanted was a box set of DVD's about WWII!! Needless to say, he got them...all 19 hours of them!

He is having a hard time with Writing though. He can't grasp the fact that Miss Nease will count off for sloppy hand-writing. Oh well, we will continue to work on that but for now, I will be sooo happy with these outstanding grades!! WAY TO GO LOGAN!! WE ARE SOOOO PROUD OF YOU!!
Bible 98A History 98A English 88B Math 95A Reading 94A- Science/Health 87B
Spelling 93A- Writing 85C+ Music 100A+
Loading the Cannons with their feet.
Firing the Cannons
This kid also enjoys History and Science...another thing NOT from me. He would rather watch the History Channel or the Learning Channel instead of Disney. Which is fine with me because he has learned some very interesting facts. Like last night at the supper table, he looked at me and said, "Momma, do you know how old Albert Einstein was when he died?" I answered, "No, do you?" and of course he did! He loves to learn facts and figures about WWI and WWII and Pearl Harbor...anything like that. He can tell you how many people died in each war, how many were wounded. This summer we went to Wilmington two different times and both times we had to tour Fort Fisher (even though nothing changed in that 2 month time period), but while we were there, Kyle and Logan had to act out the attack. Logan then informed me that there were 2 brothers that fought against each other during that war. One decided to fight for the South and the other for the North. He asked me, "Momma, wouldn't you hate to be their mother? You would have to choose which one you wanted to win." I am just totally amazed at how much knowledge my 8 year old has in that little brain!! ~For Christmas, all he wanted was a box set of DVD's about WWII!! Needless to say, he got them...all 19 hours of them!

He is having a hard time with Writing though. He can't grasp the fact that Miss Nease will count off for sloppy hand-writing. Oh well, we will continue to work on that but for now, I will be sooo happy with these outstanding grades!! WAY TO GO LOGAN!! WE ARE SOOOO PROUD OF YOU!!
Bible 98A History 98A English 88B Math 95A Reading 94A- Science/Health 87B
Spelling 93A- Writing 85C+ Music 100A+
Loading the Cannons with their feet.

Firing the Cannons
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
How can I fit 1 year into 1 entry??
I know, I am a slacker and I apologize.
The year 2009 was pretty great...Can't find any one thing to complain about. As you all know, my last post showed my new precious "nephew" born to my best friend, Joy. That bundle of joy is almost walking now...I am so slack :). My other friends, Magnum and Ashley has had a beautiful baby girl, Bella Grace. She is now 5 months old and so beautiful (I will enclose pictures). My other dear friend, Michelle (from high school) found out she was pregnant and is due in just a couple days with a baby girl, Riley Brooke. I am still hoping and praying for another bundle of joy of my own!! But I know, All in God's Timing!
This past year was full of wonderful vacation trips as well. First trip was just us girls...we went to Charleston, SC for a mini-getaway and we saw Casting Crowns in concert. I have way to much fun going off with mom and Christy and this time we corrupted Sharon (Scott's mom)!!
Next trip was a weekend trip to Kure Beach for my dear friend's wedding. Staci and Jarrett got married out on the beach. We had a great time there. We toured Wilmington and we fell in love with it. All three of us wanted to pack up and move!! Loved it so much that we went back down for the weekend in August for Kyle's birthday. In July, Kyle and I celebrated our 6th anniversary! He took me to the Biltmore House and to the Linville Caverns. We had a great day together...Logan loved the big house!
Kyle and I decided not to give each other anything for Christmas and instead we took a weekend trip to Gatlinburg. It was a beautiful trip...Snowed the whole time! Loved just spending time together. I can honestly say, the best experience ever was riding the chair lift to the top of the mountain while beautiful snow fell down...It was an amazing sight!
Our next trip was our BIG vacation....All 9 of us went to Disney World the week before Christmas. We all had such a wonderful time. It was so cold down there...North Carolina was getting a snow storm and we were just getting the cold. But besides the cold and crowds, it was by far the best Disney trip! I am still working on uploading my pictures. Hopefully those will be up soon.
We also had a wonderful Christmas together with our families. I promise to keep up with this blog better!!
The year 2009 was pretty great...Can't find any one thing to complain about. As you all know, my last post showed my new precious "nephew" born to my best friend, Joy. That bundle of joy is almost walking now...I am so slack :). My other friends, Magnum and Ashley has had a beautiful baby girl, Bella Grace. She is now 5 months old and so beautiful (I will enclose pictures). My other dear friend, Michelle (from high school) found out she was pregnant and is due in just a couple days with a baby girl, Riley Brooke. I am still hoping and praying for another bundle of joy of my own!! But I know, All in God's Timing!
This past year was full of wonderful vacation trips as well. First trip was just us girls...we went to Charleston, SC for a mini-getaway and we saw Casting Crowns in concert. I have way to much fun going off with mom and Christy and this time we corrupted Sharon (Scott's mom)!!
Next trip was a weekend trip to Kure Beach for my dear friend's wedding. Staci and Jarrett got married out on the beach. We had a great time there. We toured Wilmington and we fell in love with it. All three of us wanted to pack up and move!! Loved it so much that we went back down for the weekend in August for Kyle's birthday. In July, Kyle and I celebrated our 6th anniversary! He took me to the Biltmore House and to the Linville Caverns. We had a great day together...Logan loved the big house!
Kyle and I decided not to give each other anything for Christmas and instead we took a weekend trip to Gatlinburg. It was a beautiful trip...Snowed the whole time! Loved just spending time together. I can honestly say, the best experience ever was riding the chair lift to the top of the mountain while beautiful snow fell down...It was an amazing sight!
Our next trip was our BIG vacation....All 9 of us went to Disney World the week before Christmas. We all had such a wonderful time. It was so cold down there...North Carolina was getting a snow storm and we were just getting the cold. But besides the cold and crowds, it was by far the best Disney trip! I am still working on uploading my pictures. Hopefully those will be up soon.
We also had a wonderful Christmas together with our families. I promise to keep up with this blog better!!

Bella Grace Barnette

Anniversary Trip

Battleship NC - Wilmington

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