Monday, August 16, 2010

Take the time.... kiss the ones you love. To spend moments making memories with the ones you love. To say "I Love You". To just be happy....because you never know when your last breath will be!

This past week has been very hard for me. It seems like every time I turned around, I was getting more and more bad news. Some of the people involved, I had no connection with but hearing the bad news is heartbreaking either way. So many people have lost their lives this past week suddenly and some because of dumb mistakes.

One that really hit me hard, was a member of our church, Mike Walser. I believe he was only in his 40's and he had 2 teenage daughters. He woke up and couldn't breathe and a little while later, he was in Heaven. He died from a blood clot. He had no knowledge that anything was wrong. But I know he was saved. He loved the Lord and he wanted others to know the Lord. I have no doubt that we will see Mike again.

I have been praying for Tonia and the girls daily since I heard of this. Friday (the day of the burial) was their anniversary. I can't imagine how she felt, for the day that she married her best friend, several years later she would be attending his funeral. I find it amazing because Mike had given Tonia her card on Tuesday....why Tuesday? I don't know if we will ever know, but I call that a God-Thing.

The other heartbreaking news is the news of teenagers dying over stupid decisions. A 17 year old girl died this week because a 21 year old boy threw a landscaping stone through a car window and she died of internal bleeding. This all happened at a party at 5:30am!! My question is, why was a 17 year old at a party at 5:30am? They said that every person at this party was wasted and most of them had used drugs that night....Where are the parents? Also, her parents knew she was at this party! This is such a heartbreaking story because not only did Shelby die, but Michael lost his life....he will more than likely be in jail for the rest of his life. Both sets of parents are paying dearly for allowing their children to attend this party. It breaks my heart but hopefully others will remember this.

Then there was another 17 year old boy that died in a car wreck. He was in the passenger seat of a car that was going close to 100 mph and the driver was drunk! Why?!? Why would you get into a car with a person who has been drinking? I know all about peer pressure and I know how it can make you feel but why put your own life in that danger? The driver is in critical condition and if he makes it, his life will be over because he has to pay for this stupid decision.

There has been more bad news this week but these are the ones that are laying so heavy on my heart and mind. I am praying for each of these families involved. I pray that these decisions made by these 4 teenagers will be a reminder to others. I pray that no other family has to go through what these families have gone through. Whether it be losing them in death or losing them to's a no win situation.

~I am praying and thinking of each member of the Walser family...I love them all but we will see him again! Praying for the Chisom family in the loss of their daughter, Shelby. Praying for the Craver family as they face the future of their son, Michael.

~Count your blessings. Name them one by one.~


Pam said...

It has been quite a week. In addition to those you mentioned, we are praying for the Pages, and their recovery from the accident and wisdom for a vehicle.

I am also continuing to pray for little Ashley...she needs a miracle!

KyleAmandaLogan said...

Yes, Ashley has been on my heart and mind alot too!!

Also, praying for the Pages and others that I know that have been hurt by losing someone this week...these just stick out the most!!