Wednesday, August 25, 2010

4th grade is.....

Totally Awesome!!!!!

This was Logan's response to my famous, daily question, "How was school today?"

Monday morning was Logan's first day of 4th grade. I can't believe that my baby (don't tell him I called him that) is already in the 4th grade!! I know he will enjoy this year. I loved the 4th grade and remember a lot about this year. I'm not sure if it was because I couldn't stand my teacher or maybe because we played kickball daily or that we had hamsters and rats in our class as our pets....I'm not sure but I LOVED the 4th grade!! *I got my first "boyfriend" then too...hopefully he won't get his first "girlfriend"*

When asked if he was ready for school, he would always answer "NO"! He said that school was boring....etc! But I knew deep down he was excited. He was dreading it just a little because his best friend, Mason, was going to be in the other 4th grade this year. Logan was excited because he gets to have his same teacher for 3rd grade this year...which we are very happy for! We love Miss Nease!! So, even though he didn't end up with Mason, he got an awesome teacher (which we love) and Emma is in his class.

So far, every day has gone "totally awesome" so hopefully the rest of the year will be the same!

Logan's 1st picture of 4th grade!
~So cheesy~

1st day of 4th Grade


Unknown said...

So glad he is enjoying the fourth grade so far - hope it continues! :)

KyleAmandaLogan said...

Me too!! Thanks for reading! I love to read your blog!

Andrea said...

Hope he has a great year as a 4th grader!!

Heather said...

4th grade???WHAT????

KyleAmandaLogan said...

You didn't know he was in the 4th grade?!? Where have you been?!