Monday, August 9, 2010


Friday was Kyle's birthday and like I said in the previous post, I had a "surprise" dinner planned. He wasn't sure where we were going so that meant I had to drive. Logan and I had already planned that once we got to the mall, Logan was to ask his dad to go with him into Game Stop, that way I can say "table for 10" without him overhearing.

Our plan worked out perfectly. We were the 1st ones there of course, so they seated us first. As we walked to our table, Kyle looked confused because there were so many chairs at the table. So he knew he was in for a surprise dinner but he had no idea who was coming. At first, he thought it was my family but that would only be 9...he couldn't figure out that other seat. Plus, Logan told him who some of the people were (yes, he lied), so he was very shocked when his best friend showed up! And then the rest of my family rolled in.

We all had a great time. I was very happy that Jon got to be there and enjoy our family for a while! I think Kyle was surprised and I think he enjoyed the party and the gifts!!

Happy Birthday!!!

Logan enjoying his french fries...

Maelynn enjoying her french fries... I think the saying is Monkey See, Monkey Do

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