Wednesday, August 25, 2010

4th grade is.....

Totally Awesome!!!!!

This was Logan's response to my famous, daily question, "How was school today?"

Monday morning was Logan's first day of 4th grade. I can't believe that my baby (don't tell him I called him that) is already in the 4th grade!! I know he will enjoy this year. I loved the 4th grade and remember a lot about this year. I'm not sure if it was because I couldn't stand my teacher or maybe because we played kickball daily or that we had hamsters and rats in our class as our pets....I'm not sure but I LOVED the 4th grade!! *I got my first "boyfriend" then too...hopefully he won't get his first "girlfriend"*

When asked if he was ready for school, he would always answer "NO"! He said that school was boring....etc! But I knew deep down he was excited. He was dreading it just a little because his best friend, Mason, was going to be in the other 4th grade this year. Logan was excited because he gets to have his same teacher for 3rd grade this year...which we are very happy for! We love Miss Nease!! So, even though he didn't end up with Mason, he got an awesome teacher (which we love) and Emma is in his class.

So far, every day has gone "totally awesome" so hopefully the rest of the year will be the same!

Logan's 1st picture of 4th grade!
~So cheesy~

1st day of 4th Grade

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Benefits of being an Aunt....

I am an aunt to two wonderful, beautiful nieces!! I love spending time with Emma and Maelynn. They both are so different and unique! They both bring smiles to my face for totally different things!

Emma is growing up so fast. I can't believe she will be 10 in October!! That just doesn't seem possible!! She is becoming such a little lady. She is so well-behaved and just brings joy to me! She always notices your clothes, pocketbooks, shoes, jewelry and your fingernails/toenails. This summer I have been getting my toes done and she has been making comments about how she would love to get hers done. So I decided to take her before she started the 4th grade. I couldn't wait to spend this "girly time" together. I told her she could pick whatever design and color that she wanted. I think she picked out a pretty color and design!! ~She really enjoyed this, so this made me happy~

*I didn't get the finished product :(

I also got to take Maelynn to get hers done. She didn't pick a design but I think she enjoyed this too. She started out with one color, then changed it to purple and then while they were putting the bottom coat on, she changed her mind again!! She said "so many colors!!" She must have her mommy's feet because she was so ticklish the whole time! * I didn't get the finished product on her toes either :(

Logan got to tag along too! But he wouldn't let me get his toes done :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Take the time.... kiss the ones you love. To spend moments making memories with the ones you love. To say "I Love You". To just be happy....because you never know when your last breath will be!

This past week has been very hard for me. It seems like every time I turned around, I was getting more and more bad news. Some of the people involved, I had no connection with but hearing the bad news is heartbreaking either way. So many people have lost their lives this past week suddenly and some because of dumb mistakes.

One that really hit me hard, was a member of our church, Mike Walser. I believe he was only in his 40's and he had 2 teenage daughters. He woke up and couldn't breathe and a little while later, he was in Heaven. He died from a blood clot. He had no knowledge that anything was wrong. But I know he was saved. He loved the Lord and he wanted others to know the Lord. I have no doubt that we will see Mike again.

I have been praying for Tonia and the girls daily since I heard of this. Friday (the day of the burial) was their anniversary. I can't imagine how she felt, for the day that she married her best friend, several years later she would be attending his funeral. I find it amazing because Mike had given Tonia her card on Tuesday....why Tuesday? I don't know if we will ever know, but I call that a God-Thing.

The other heartbreaking news is the news of teenagers dying over stupid decisions. A 17 year old girl died this week because a 21 year old boy threw a landscaping stone through a car window and she died of internal bleeding. This all happened at a party at 5:30am!! My question is, why was a 17 year old at a party at 5:30am? They said that every person at this party was wasted and most of them had used drugs that night....Where are the parents? Also, her parents knew she was at this party! This is such a heartbreaking story because not only did Shelby die, but Michael lost his life....he will more than likely be in jail for the rest of his life. Both sets of parents are paying dearly for allowing their children to attend this party. It breaks my heart but hopefully others will remember this.

Then there was another 17 year old boy that died in a car wreck. He was in the passenger seat of a car that was going close to 100 mph and the driver was drunk! Why?!? Why would you get into a car with a person who has been drinking? I know all about peer pressure and I know how it can make you feel but why put your own life in that danger? The driver is in critical condition and if he makes it, his life will be over because he has to pay for this stupid decision.

There has been more bad news this week but these are the ones that are laying so heavy on my heart and mind. I am praying for each of these families involved. I pray that these decisions made by these 4 teenagers will be a reminder to others. I pray that no other family has to go through what these families have gone through. Whether it be losing them in death or losing them to's a no win situation.

~I am praying and thinking of each member of the Walser family...I love them all but we will see him again! Praying for the Chisom family in the loss of their daughter, Shelby. Praying for the Craver family as they face the future of their son, Michael.

~Count your blessings. Name them one by one.~

Softball Time....

Kyle has joined the softball league at Union Grove. He has never played before but he has wanted to join for a while now. He has been to every practice and I think he is pretty good! Logan "works" with him each night on his catching, hitting and throwing the ball! It is very cute and sweet to see this "teamwork" every evening and it is so cute to hear the "coaching" from the 9 year old!

Friday, Kyle had a double header. They lost both games but I think they played very well. Kyle did well, if I do say so myself. I didn't get to get any pictures but I will try to get some this week. He has 2 ballgames this week...thankfully not another double header!!

Following Jesus....

Yesterday, I got to watch my 7 year old niece, Maelynn get baptized. It was a wonderful opportunity and I am so very proud of her!! Their church is meeting in a Elementary School until their church building is completed so of course there is no place to be baptized inside of a school, so they depend on their members with pools for these special times!

Here are some pictures from this special time:

Scott and Maelynn entering the pool

Scott asking her what being "baptized" means

~I love this picture~

~I am so proud of her~

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday Fives

In the past I have joined in on the fun that goes on through different people's blogs. I really enjoy doing their surveys and joining in on the games. I would love to read all of your entries so please join in and let me know that you are reading my blogs :)

Today's Thursday Fives is all about the little things in life that makes me happy!! So here goes:

1. My family. Just the special people that makes up my family makes me happy.
There is never a dull moment. Everyone is unique in their own way
and I love each one dearly.

2. Logan. This kid cracks me up daily and has completely
stolen my heart away. Looking at those freckles and dark
brown eyes makes me so very happy!

3. My church. I enjoy going to church. I love our Pastor so much.
I love keeping the nursery. I love our choir. I love our teens.
Everything inside of Union Grove makes me happy. I am blessed
to call UGBC my home!

4. Coffee. It is wonderful to see how such a little cup
can make me so darn happy :)

5. Days off of work. Whether it be for a weekend
or an extra long vacation, I love days off.
Not only because I can sleep in but because I am
going to be spending it with my #1's!!

Everyone likes "FREE" fun, right?

Every year our church puts on a Family Fun Festival and every year it is amazing at how many people come. Last year I think there was close to 2,000 people there. This festival is free...everything is free. If everyone is like me, we love free things!!

So, if you live in the area, please come and join us. Even if you don't have kids, still come join, it is alot of fun to just walk around and see people you may know. Let me know if you have any questions! *Kyle will be doing the face painting, so you will have to check it out!*

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

This is my job....

I get calls about water spots in the road.....

That eventually turns into a full-blown water leak.....Like this:

This is why I HATE answering the phones!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

This Face.....

Melts My Heart Daily.......

Take Me Out To The Ballgame....

"Take me out with the crowd. Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks, I don't care if I never get back, Let me root, root, root for the home team, If they don't win it's a shame. For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out, At the old ball game!"

Sorry, now it is probably stuck in your head like it is in mine! :)

Saturday night we had bought tickets for Kyle's dad for Father's Day. Tim (his dad) and Tena (his step-mom) had never been to the Greensboro Grasshopper's so that is where Kyle wanted to take him. I must say, we had a great time.

I had bought the tickets online so I really didn't know where we would be sitting, but I did know it was right there at the home dugout. When we got there, we found out that we were 2 rows behind the dugout! When we went to the Grasshopper's game last time, they did a lot of entertainment on top of the dugout so we were excited that we would be able to see it up close this time. But this time, they didn't do hardly any :(. It was a little disappointing but we still had great seats because you could see everything.

Doing the Y M C A.....

I always think that I pick good seats, seats where Logan should be able to catch a foul ball...but that never seems to happen! Next time, we have decided that Kyle will sit up top (at the expensive rooms), I will sit in the grass area on the right and Logan will sit in the grass area on left...Doing it this way, one of us HAS to catch a ball :)

After the game (in which we won), there were fireworks. I just love fireworks!! And I love to watch them after a baseball game....I guess the saying that it is "America's favorite pass time" is true...I love baseball and the feeling after watching a game!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Coupons 101....

I do believe my sister is high on the thrill of cutting coupons! She attended a coupon class on Thursday night and by Friday afternoon she had already begun to save! She has always cut coupons but not to this degree. After our "surprise" dinner for Kyle, she talked my mom and me into going to Harris Teeter for some savings.

She told us that she could hardly sleep on Thursday night because she was so excited. Excited to put all that coupon knowledge to work! She was trying to decided what color tabs would be used for what department...and so on! I know, she's a nut!

So, Friday night we three girls headed to Harris Teeter for a shopping spree. When we first get there, me and mom had to fill out our info so we could get a VIC card!! Whoo-hoo!! Once that was completed, it was on to saving!

I found the whole process confusing but I still had fun shopping and watching mom and Christy save save save!! Here is the picture of our shopping cart:

I ended up spending $14 and I got 5 boxes of cereal and 5 boxes of pop tarts!! Then they gave me $10 in Harris Teeter I spent that on 2 boxes of Puffs (Logan needs that for school), 24 rolls of Charmin Toilet Paper and Sweet Sixteen white donuts....All for $2.47!! I loved the savings but I just don't know if I have time (or patience) to cut coupons and then remember to use them!!

~But I had a great time shopping!!~


Friday was Kyle's birthday and like I said in the previous post, I had a "surprise" dinner planned. He wasn't sure where we were going so that meant I had to drive. Logan and I had already planned that once we got to the mall, Logan was to ask his dad to go with him into Game Stop, that way I can say "table for 10" without him overhearing.

Our plan worked out perfectly. We were the 1st ones there of course, so they seated us first. As we walked to our table, Kyle looked confused because there were so many chairs at the table. So he knew he was in for a surprise dinner but he had no idea who was coming. At first, he thought it was my family but that would only be 9...he couldn't figure out that other seat. Plus, Logan told him who some of the people were (yes, he lied), so he was very shocked when his best friend showed up! And then the rest of my family rolled in.

We all had a great time. I was very happy that Jon got to be there and enjoy our family for a while! I think Kyle was surprised and I think he enjoyed the party and the gifts!!

Happy Birthday!!!

Logan enjoying his french fries...

Maelynn enjoying her french fries... I think the saying is Monkey See, Monkey Do

Friday, August 6, 2010

August 6, 1977....

Was the day my honey was born!! I am so thankful for that wonderful day in 1977 when that handsome little blond boy was born....and I am so thankful for that wonderful day in 2002 when I met that handsome brunette boy...and I am so thankful for that wonderful day in 2003 when that handsome boy became mine!!


I usually try to have something planned for him. I tried to get several of our friends together for a "surprise" dinner but that didn't work out. He thinks that we are just going out to eat...just the 3 of us. But I actually have my whole family and Jon (his bff) meeting us for will be a nice "surprise" for him. He got his birthday present early from me because he knew it was good, he knew I "searched" for it and he just couldn't wait. So, on Saturday he got a 2009 World Series Champs NY Yankees' jersey from me...#13 ARod! I have never paid that much for a shirt!! But he was worth it. He still has one present from Logan and I to open tonight.

Tomorrow night we are taking his dad to the Grasshopper's baseball game. It was given to his dad for Father's Day but we worked it out so it can kinda be a birthday celebration too! Then Sunday we are going out to eat after church with 2 of our dear friends and their little guy, so we are excited about that too!


~Thank you for so many wonderful memories!~
We LOVE you!!
You are an unbelievable friend, husband, daddy and uncle!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Nothing better than family....

I always find it fun to share some laughs with my family. Oh boy, did we share them last night...a lot!! I am not sure if it was from all the gassy foods we ate or if it was from the "de"caffeinated tea we all had or if it was from the goofy games we played or maybe it was because we let the kids stay up past 10!! No matter what made us was great to pass the time away laughing at each other.

Mom had invited us all over for supper and it was all my favorites. Honestly, I think I am the only one that cares for this food except for my dad. The menu consisted of Pinto Beans, Cabbage, Cole Slaw, Squash Casserole, and Chicken 'n Dumplins (that was everyone's favorite). It was a great meal, Mom...thank you!

Several months ago, my parent's neighbor's house caught on fire. They had been saying they were going to bulldoze it all but we never knew when. Well, last night was the night. We stood outside and watched with the other neighbors as his house fell to the ground. It was a very sad time...I have known them my whole life and I hated this for him, but it was very interesting to watch.

Later Kyle, Emma, Christy and I sat down to play Scrabble. Emma had never played but she has been asking me to bring it so we can play. Mom sat down to help Emma, Dad decided to sit between Christy and I and help us. I can honestly say, I don't remember my dad ever playing a board game with this was exciting for me! Once the game was over (and Christy won) we moved to another game.

We decided to play Wheel of Fortune (old school)!! This game was hilarious! I was Vanna...Mom was "Hannah". Hannah was in charge of marking each letter off the board. Vanna was in charge of flipping through the booklet to see what letters played and at what numbered space. Vanna was also the banker (who had to make change when people bought vowels)! This game was from 1986 so of course Logan and Emma didn't recognize the names and titles of some things (honestly, neither did I)! But everyone still had fun!!

**The funniest thing of the night was when the puzzle was close to being solved. Kyle guessed a "B", when I flipped the "b"'s down, he knew the puzzle but wanted to guess one more letter. He then guessed a "C".....I had to say sorry there is no "C"'s. He was so mad...He knew the puzzle, he meant to say "Q"!! It was Barbershop Quartet.** His face was priceless!!