Wednesday, December 24, 2008

~Merry Christmas~

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas!!!

The Phelps Family

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Beautiful Family....

I just wanted to share how I am blessed....
Just look at my beautiful family!! God has truly blessed me! Thank you Lord

~This one just melts my heart~

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Sorry I haven't written in a while...I've been very sick! Had a high fever for 2 days. Hopefully it is almost gone and I can head back to work tomorrow. I will write later just wanted to give an apology and explain why I haven't written...That is if any one (other than mom) was wondering!!

Good Night!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Just a quick note....

Just wanted to wish my daddy a HAPPY 56th BIRTHDAY!!
I love you!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I'm on the naughty list according to Logan....

Logan isn't very happy with mom tonight. I offically broke the routine tonight and he isn't happy with me. I know, what was I thinking?!? Tonight is Tuesday and tonight we didn't order Dusina's. He wasn't worried about not having family night he was just worried about not having Dusina's.

We decided since last night we went to Speedy's with my family after the Lexington parade that we would cook tonight because tomorrow is my dad's birthday so we will be going out to eat for that. So I was just trying to save money. Big mistake. Don't try to throw a curveball to a 7 year old because they won't hear of it!! I thought I would be nice and make his favorite meal (besides Dusinas) so I laid out chicken so I could make BBQ Chicken when I got off work. Well he enjoyed the bbq chicken but the whole time kept saying, "my chicken nuggets would be better. 'I can't believe you messed up family night. 'Now we have to start all over again." Boo-hoo!!

Even though we stayed home and I'm a horrible mother because I ruined family night...I still think we had a good Tuesday night. And I must say, my supper was so very yummy....BBQ Chicken, Cream Corn, Black-Eye Peas and Rolls!! And to finish family night, Kyle just made cinnamon rolls and chocolate milk!!

~I give 2 thumbs up to this family night!~

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Parade Float Pictures

*The Gingerbread house with mountains*

**And the chimney is a huge Hersey Kiss

*Gingerbread Girl*

*Gingerbread Man*

*The house up close*

I love my family

Well, I haven't written in a while and I apologize. Seems like the closer it gets to the holidays the busier we become. One family get together after another and shopping, shopping, shopping!! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE TO SHOP and I love to buy for others but around the holidays it just seems like it makes the time fly by faster, and I don't want that.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We (I) have so much to be thankful for. The Lord has blessed me beyond imagination. I have a wonderful, loving family (including Kyle's side) and my health is 100% better this year and to top it all off, I have a wonderful church family. "Thank you Lord" is my new favorite song. The Lord brings it to my mind every morning.

We usually don't start decorating for Christmas until the Friday after Thanksgiving but we decided to start a week early. So the weekend before Thanksgiving we put up the Christmas tree and over the course of the week, Kyle and Logan finished the outside of the house. *Hopefully I will post pictures soon*. I just love Christmas and I love the decorate and of course I love the music. Just puts me in a wonderful mood--Kyle's says it is my "nice mood"! So our house is completely ready for Christmas. Kyle went and purchased a Gingerbread house (simply beautiful) from Cracker Barrel yesterday. Kyle is all into the HUGE blow-up decorations, I on the other hand isn't so of course our house isn't decorated to his satisfaction, but I think it's beautiful.

Kyle is begging for a Jigsaw for Christmas because he has in his mind that he wants to buy plywood and cut things out for our yard next year!! I'm praying no one gets him on!! He wants our yard to be like the house in Christmas Vacation and Deck the Halls!! I like white lights and very few of them...He is total opposite!

Kyle got the idea of the jigsaw over the past couple of weeks. See Davidson Water always puts a Christmas float into the Midway and Lexington parades. And they always want Kyle to design and handle the float. This year, Kyle created a Gingerbread house and Gingerbread men. It was amazing. He cut out everything and we both painted it. Kyle honestly puts his heart into things like this. We worked non-stop for over a week on it and Saturday it looks perfect. Well, we meet up at Davidson Water at 10:30 because we had to line-up in Midway at 11 for the parade. Well we were a little heartbroken because it was us 3 and another guy (which was the driver) that showed up. So out of 80 some employees only 3 show up for a company float---I think that it ridiculous, but anyways. So we get everything ready and we start down Hwy 52, going way under the speed limit and all of a sudden we see letters start flying off the trailer. So we pull over to see that we are missing the "R, S, Y, T and M in Merry Christmas", so we decided to just pull the rest off when we get there because it will still look okay. So we start down 52 again and then all of a sudden the whole house and mountains fly off the trailer and onto 52...barley missing the car behind us! That house and mountains were so heavy that there was no way, us 3 could pick it up and get it back on the trailer. Thankfully 2 other guys stopped to help put it back on the trailer, while I am stopping traffic. Needless to say, we weren't in the parade because it broke the house to pieces. We had it bolted to the trailer, it ripped the bolts out when it flipped off. It was a huge mess and I feel so bad for Kyle. He put all that work into it for nothing. And there is no way we can repair it for the Lexington parade because it is tomorrow night. So, don't look for Davidson Water in the parade tomorrow. I'm going to try and post some pictures of the float because it was wonderful. He did a great job!!

Sorry, that I haven't written in a while but I think I have caught everyone up!! Maybe I won't be so busy from now on! ~Hope all had a wonderful Thanksgiving~

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Child's Table and Chairs for sale...

Just in case anyone knows of someone wanting a nice table and chairs for a Christmas present. This one is ideal...perfect condition, very study. Logan has just outgrown it.


Very nice table....

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Family Time

I really don't have much to write, I just wanted to say how thankful I am for my family. I truly feel lucky to be a part of such a wonderful family. The Lord has blessed me beyond my imagination. Just to think that I have the most wonderful, CHRISTIAN husband who loves spending time with me and that would do anything for me. I am one blessed girl! He didn't have to fall in love with me and marry me but yet he did and he chose to love Logan like his own. He is truly "the love of my life".

I thank the Lord everyday for sending him to us. But today has been "Family day" and it's been great. We started the day out at I-Hop and then went Christmas shopping and now we are home to relax and spend the rest of the day together. Logan has our evening planned for us...1) Playing with darts guns through the house 2) Playing the Wii 3) Eating Lasagna 4) Playing Wii some more 5) Making cookies 6) Put on pj's and watch Lady and the Tramp! He loves "Family Night".

Normally, Tuesday nights are our Family night. We always order Dusina's and put on our pj's the minute we walk in the door and then watch tv together or play board games. It has become a routine, so every Tuesday afternoon when he calls me after school, he makes sure that I know what he wants from Dusina's. Honestly, we are the happiest when we all are together.

These are the "Memories" that I cherish. And these are my two favorite guys to make them with!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Catching up to do

I've got some catching up to do. Sorry I haven't written in a while but I've been fighting some kind of nasty cold. All I want to do in the evening is sleep.

First, I want to send my love and prayers out to the Sizemore Family. I am so sorry for your loss but grateful that we know he is in Heaven. I know it was very unexpected but it was in the Lord's hands. My thoughts, love and prayers are with you.

Well, Logan has made in 2 weeks without getting in trouble!!! I know, I'm amazed too! He didn't get to pick out his reward until this past Monday. After work on Monday, Kyle and I picked up Emma and we took Emma and Logan out for the evening. Emma's birthday was back in October and she is now at the age where she's out of toys so she's rather hard to buy for. She loves to go shopping and she loves clothes...I know, what girl doesn't?! So we told Emma for her birthday we would take her shopping and we would buy her 1 outfit. The girls know how to work me...All they have to say is, "Sissy can I have this too?" and they know they will get it. So I had to take Kyle with me (he's the one that puts his foot down, LOL). Anyway, we never could get a time that we could go. So this past Monday was perfect. I picked her up and the 4 of us headed off to Chick-fil-a. Being mistake!! They were having some kind of special night and there were like 500 shoeless kids running around....enough to get my blood pressure rising! Anyway, we got done eating and they played for alittle while and then we headed to the mall. After hitting SEVERAL stores we left the mall with only 1 outfit. She picked out a beautiful gray skirt in The Children's Place (it twirls...She loves ones that twirl) and a white shirt to go with it from JCPenny's. We also visisted Old Navy, but they had nothing she wanted. She spent her money in Build A Bear. Logan picked out his surprised from Game Stop. He got a Soccer Game for his DS.

Also, some of you many know that I had went to the doctor several weeks ago because I had a rash that had came up on my neck and wouldn't go away. The doctor believes it to be one of the 1st signs of sugar diabetes. He told me not to be worried about it unless someone in my family had diabetes. Well, at the time no one did, but a couple days later my dad found out that he has diabetes. So they had me come in for come blood work this past Monday. Got the call today that everything came back normal!! YAY! But please keep my dad in your prayers as he is trying to figure everything out and develop a new way of living.

Once again, I am praying for the Mack Sizemore Family....May the Lord give you strength.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Award Time

Over one week without getting in trouble at school. This calls for an award!! So, we will be going shopping this weekend for a reward!! I'm so proud of Logan!! Keep up the good work!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hard Lesson To Learn

Thank goodness the election is over, but I must say that the outcome is not what I hoped for. I've been in prayer for several months now, just praying that the Lord's Will to be done. I spent most of my night last night and most of the day today bitter and mad at the outcome of the election. Asking myself so many questions. But in the last hour I have come to realize that God's Will has been done. No, I don't understand the whys or how comes but He knows. I've prayed, we all have prayed, that the Lord will deliver who He sees fit. Last nights election didn't surprise our God. He was in full control.
Yes, I am still trying to figure out why Obama was voted in as President and why so many American's believed his promises, but I honestly don't think we, as christians, will ever know. My God Is Mighty and My God Is Still In Control. He doesn't just see the "nows", He sees the "future". I can say that I don't have much respect for Obama and I sure don't believe his promises or ways but I am a firm believer in my Saviour and I know that He will never give us more than we can handle.
To God Be The Glory, Great Things He Has Done!! And Great Things He Is Going To Do!! I give all my worries over to Him. It is now in His hands. We all just need to be in prayer for President Bush (as he finishes), President-Elect Obama, VP Biden, all Congress and Senate.

I am so thankful that God has changed my attitude today because this morning I was very, very bitter. And that's just not healthy.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Time to Pray

All I can say is, PRAY!! All Christians need to be on their knees tonight in prayer! But we must remember, no matter the outcome, The Lord is still on the throne. To God Be The Glory!

Monday, November 3, 2008

An Awesome Saturday

Well I haven't written in a couple of days because we had such a busy weekend. It was busy but very nice. Well, we made it through Halloween. Saturday was Logan's last soccer game. He loves playing soccer and he is very good at it. Well, they have won every game and Logan has scored atleast once every game. Well, Saturday wasn't any different. Logan scored 2 goals with many assists and they won 11-1. I hate to see the season end. I just love watching him play.

Saturday afternoon we were able to get football tickets to see Wake vs. Duke. You all know that I am a huge Duke fan so this was a great experience. My cousin is a Wake fan and he gave us the tickets. We were sitting on the grass and I was right beside the Duke Band...It was awesome. Duke lost in overtime but it was a great game. So glad we got to go. Logan wanted to buy a football after the game. So we found the gift shop and there he got to get a football. My cousin has a friend, who's son plays for Wake. He offered to take Logan's football next weekend to get the whole team to sign the ball. Logan is so excited. He has carried that football everywhere since Saturday! It even found it's way into his bed Saturday night!! Can't wait to see what he does after it's signed!

Logan is still a Duke fan but he is also a Wake fan now! That's fine with me as long as he NEVER changes over to Carolina! I'll disown him then!

~Oh yeah, 1 week without getting in trouble!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Photos

Just wanted to share some pictures of our Halloween night! Kyle was really creepy!! Hope everyone had a great night and got lots of candy!! We sure did!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

All in one day

Today was a great day!! My morning started out very nicely at work. Everything went the way it should. Lunchtime came and I got to vote. And I was in and out of there and still had time for lunch!! I was worried that I wouldn't have time for lunch!! My afternoon at work went by very smoothly. I just love good days at work! Makes my attitude so much better.
This evening I got to get together with my very best friend from school, Joy. And we also meet up with Michelle and Anna from school. We met at 6:30 at Applebee's and we got to catch up on lost time. We had a wonderful girl's night. So thanks to our wonderful husbands and finance'!!
Also, Logan got another wonderful report at school!! Woo-hoo 3 days in a row!! Tomorrow is Halloween and I get to eat mom's Chicken Stew! I have a feeling that tomorrow will be a wonderful day as well!
~~Good Night and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Preparing to vote...

Okay, so I am going to try this early voting thing. I'm nervous about it. Heck, I am nervous about the whole election. Kyle voted yesterday during lunch and he said it was a breeze because no one was there, so I am going to try it tomorrow. I don't want to get into politices on here but I will just go ahead and state who I am voting for...I am 100% McCain and Palin. With that said, pray for me as I try to vote tomorrow during lunch. This will be my 2nd time voting and I know that it is soooo very important. We just need to PRAY.....The Lord's Will shall be done!

From the words of our Pastor tonight: In a couple of days, our nation is either going to get someone they need or someone they deserve!!

You decide which will be which!!! PRAY!

On another note, 2 days straight withouth getting in trouble!! Yeah, Logan! Maybe, just maybe the hot sauce worked...We will see!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kyle's Pumpkin

Just wanted to post a picture of Kyle's pumpkin for everyone.

One Day Down

Well, today is a good day. For the past several weeks we have had problems with Logan not paying attention in school. I had a Parent/Teacher Conference with Miss Wright and she informed me that he isn't doing this stuff for attention but just for the fact that he has a hard time in Phonics. He tells us that he will never use Phonics...Trying to explain to him that you will use it everyday of your life. But he's seven and his parents are never right. Many can agree.

Well, the other week he got in trouble for spitting on his arm during class. This causes a huge problem because a) his grades are sliding in Phonics and b) he sits on the front row, dead center of the chalkboard, so all eyes are on him. The other week he made him write an apology letter to Miss Wright and then right sentences. He assured us that he wouldn't do it again. I also told Miss Wright that she had my permission to send him straight to Mr. Keller or she could call me and I would be right there to stop the problem. Well, 3 days (yes 3 days) later, I received 2 calls at works because someone was spitting again. I was there in 5 minutes. Well, we punished and prayed that this would be over. We also borrowed some nice Hot Sauce from Nana for his tongue if the problem occurred again. During all this, he has had a problem with lying several times before finally coming clean. We told him that he would get the hot sauce for spitting or lying again. We were assured it would NEVER happen again!

Four days later, Kyle was informed that Logan couldn't participate in recess today because he lied to Miss Wright. Although, this time he didn't spit but he stole a girl's shoe and then hid it from her!! So last night, he received 2 (small) drops on the tongue. HE PROMISED TO NEVER LIE AGAIN!! Maybe the hot sauce worked....

I had my fingers crossed all day and when Kyle picked Logan up, it was a good report. So maybe we are on the road to improvement!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin Carving Time

Tonight was our pumpkin carving time. The boys look so forward to this every year. Kyle had to go "pumpkin shopping" on Saturday. He was on a mission to find the biggest one ever. And honestly I think he may walk away with that award. I've never seen a pumpkin that big...and only $5.00, I was very proud. Well, Kyle and Logan couldn't agree on what they wanted to carve so Logan lucked out and got to get his very own this year. Lowes Food was having a special, 2 small pumpkins for $ we got two more.

Well, they are nice enough to give me one to carve. Well I guess I took to long tonight because mine got carved for me. But it was a dragonfly so I'm happy! Plus it looks way better than if I would have done it. So, thanks Kyle! I'm going to try and upload some pictures from tonight. Kyle still hasn't decided what his "masterpiece" will you will have to wait and see on that one.


Hey everyone! I'm new to this but many of my friends have started to blog, so I thought what the heck! Bear with me as I am learning how to blog.