Monday, May 10, 2010

April 10, 2001 gave me the title "Momma"....

My world was turned upside down when I was 17 and I heard the words...YOU ARE PREGNANT but to this day, I couldn't have asked for a better earthquake! I was as scared as any normal 17 year old would be...I mean I did have to call and tell my mother over the phone. That's not exactly how I had my life planned out, but wait, I am not the one that decides and plans my future. God had a whole different chapter wrote for Amanda Koonts! Trust me, it was a very scary situation but I had the best support group. My parents were very supportive and so was everyone else in my family and church. I knew that I did wrong and I admitted my sin and asked for forgiveness. I believe that God forgave me and He blessed me with that support group and then blessed me with a healthy baby boy!

Logan has been more than just a son to me. He was (is) a blessing from God! I loved and cared for him more than I would have ever thought I could. I put aside everything to be there for him. He was my world and I was blessed to be his mother. I had grown up being around babies and kids all my life with my mom being a babysitter. And I took time to care for them and baby them, but nothing would have ever prepared me for the "growing up" task that was now my obligation. I do believe that caring for Logan came very natural to me.

Nine years ago on April 10, 2001 at 9:10pm, my life was WONDERFULLY changed and I became a mother!! No greater gift could ever be given to me! I am so blessed to be Samuel Logan Koonts' mother! Thank you Lord for entrusting your precious angel to me.

I feel as though I am a good mother. I had a wonderful, christian example of what a mother should be. I am very fortunate to have a Godly mother who only wanted the best for my sister and I. Thank you Mom for loving us, and for molding us into the women that we are. We have you to thank for everything. I only hope that one day Logan will be as proud of me as I am of you. Thank you Mom for not turning your back on me when I made that mistake but instead you loved me and showed me forgiveness. You are my inspiration and I admire you more than you will ever know.

~Happy Mother's Day!~ I am so blessed to be a mother......


Susan said...

"All things work together for good to them that love God..." I believe that you loved God even at 17 when confronted with your earthquake. As I have said so often, God turned ashes to beauty. Logan is our beauty and I wouldn't change anything in the past. That was a growing and trying time in my life, but God's grace was truly sufficient. You were a good mom and you still are. I love you both with all my heart.

Kim said...

Beautiful post, one of your best!

KyleAmandaLogan said...

Thanks Kim!

TheGenerationShop said...

Amanda, I'm behind on my reading since my computer crashed about 5 weeks ago, but this is a beautiful post and made me a little teary-eyed. I'm so glad God does turn those situations we think are 'earthquakes' in our lives into the most wonderful 'molding' things we've ever experienced. Kudos on the post, sweetie!

KyleAmandaLogan said...

Thanks Tasha!