Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hmmm...Where do I start?

Alot has gone on since my last blog and I apologize for the long span of nothing. I honestly have no idea where the time has gone...I have been so busy it seems but with what, I have no idea. Work has been insane the past several weeks and then with the beautiful evening weather, we have tried to spend it outside...TOGETHER. Also, it's soccer season, birthdays everywhere around us and just no extra time to spare!

In this span of time we have had MANY soccer games, either with school or with the community. I must say... I LOVE SOCCER!! Logan gets out there and runs like the wind! Between both teams Logan has scored 20 pts just by himself! He is definitely a "GO GETTER!" I am very proud of my "#1" and I enjoy being a Soccer Mom!

April 1st was my best friend's little boy's birthday! Clayton turned 1! I can't believe it's already been a year. He is SUCH a cutie pie and a character!! I am so happy to have been apart of his life for the 1st year and I can't wait till many more!!
April 1st was also my parent's 38th Wedding Anniversary. I am so happy to be a child that can say that my parents are still together after 38 years! Thank you mom and dad for that!

Then there was Easter. This Easter was sad because half my family was missing :(. This Easter was Justin's Easter and this is the first time he has remembered that so of course my baby was gone. So on the Friday before, everyone was out of work for the holiday and it was a beautiful day so my whole family went to Dan Nicholas Park for some KFC and hiding eggs! Although there was so many people there that we didn't hide the eggs but everyone still had a great time. We did some goofing off, some playground time, rode bikes around the lake and then paddle boats! It was a very fun, "hot" day!
Mom and Dad went to DC for their anniversary getaway so I didn't get to host Easter at my house like normal. Which was rather sad to me...I look forward to that every year. Kyle and I spent lunch at Grandma's with Kyle's family. All the kids hid eggs and the guys (and myself) played Corn hole...a very fun but stressful game :). Then supper was at K & W with the remaining part of my family and then back to Christy's house for bike riding and egg hiding!

Ahhh, the next event was sad...My baby turned 9 so of course he is no longer "my baby!" Logan is getting too old for birthday parties so he prefers to have several of his closes friends over for a sleepover. So Friday night, we had 2 boys over for a night of fun! We picked them up and it was off to Sonic...Logan loves to eat outside. Then we headed to Putt Putt. The boys played against Kyle and can you guess who won?! Then we finished the outings at Krispy Kreme!! Those 3 boys ate the entire dozen doughnuts!! They like to eat!! Then it was back to the house for some basketball, fighting and playstation games! I do believe they had a GREAT time!!

Saturday night we ate at Logan's pick...Olive Garden and then my family came back to the house for presents and a yummy giant cookie cake from the Cookie Factory. This year it was Yoda from Star Wars. Logan doesn't care for cake, he would rather have a cookie and I can't say I blame him. It was so very yummy!! Logan got some good presents and tons of gift cards to Walmart! Not sure what he wants to buy yet but he has plenty of money for it!

Sorry for the long blog but we had to catch up :)

1 comment:

Diane Teague said...

Now I am tired. I love following blogs. It helps me keep up with what everyone is up to. Thanks for sharing.