Well, I haven't written in a while and I apologize. Seems like the closer it gets to the holidays the busier we become. One family get together after another and shopping, shopping, shopping!! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE TO SHOP and I love to buy for others but around the holidays it just seems like it makes the time fly by faster, and I don't want that.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We (I) have so much to be thankful for. The Lord has blessed me beyond imagination. I have a wonderful, loving family (including Kyle's side) and my health is 100% better this year and to top it all off, I have a wonderful church family. "Thank you Lord" is my new favorite song. The Lord brings it to my mind every morning.
We usually don't start decorating for Christmas until the Friday after Thanksgiving but we decided to start a week early. So the weekend before Thanksgiving we put up the Christmas tree and over the course of the week, Kyle and Logan finished the outside of the house. *Hopefully I will post pictures soon*. I just love Christmas and I love the decorate and of course I love the music. Just puts me in a wonderful mood--Kyle's says it is my "nice mood"! So our house is completely ready for Christmas. Kyle went and purchased a Gingerbread house (simply beautiful) from Cracker Barrel yesterday. Kyle is all into the HUGE blow-up decorations, I on the other hand isn't so of course our house isn't decorated to his satisfaction, but I think it's beautiful.
Kyle is begging for a Jigsaw for Christmas because he has in his mind that he wants to buy plywood and cut things out for our yard next year!! I'm praying no one gets him on!! He wants our yard to be like the house in Christmas Vacation and Deck the Halls!! I like white lights and very few of them...He is total opposite!
Kyle got the idea of the jigsaw over the past couple of weeks. See Davidson Water always puts a Christmas float into the Midway and Lexington parades. And they always want Kyle to design and handle the float. This year, Kyle created a Gingerbread house and Gingerbread men. It was amazing. He cut out everything and we both painted it. Kyle honestly puts his heart into things like this. We worked non-stop for over a week on it and Saturday it looks perfect. Well, we meet up at Davidson Water at 10:30 because we had to line-up in Midway at 11 for the parade. Well we were a little heartbroken because it was us 3 and another guy (which was the driver) that showed up. So out of 80 some employees only 3 show up for a company float---I think that it ridiculous, but anyways. So we get everything ready and we start down Hwy 52, going way under the speed limit and all of a sudden we see letters start flying off the trailer. So we pull over to see that we are missing the "R, S, Y, T and M in Merry Christmas", so we decided to just pull the rest off when we get there because it will still look okay. So we start down 52 again and then all of a sudden the whole house and mountains fly off the trailer and onto 52...barley missing the car behind us! That house and mountains were so heavy that there was no way, us 3 could pick it up and get it back on the trailer. Thankfully 2 other guys stopped to help put it back on the trailer, while I am stopping traffic. Needless to say, we weren't in the parade because it broke the house to pieces. We had it bolted to the trailer, it ripped the bolts out when it flipped off. It was a huge mess and I feel so bad for Kyle. He put all that work into it for nothing. And there is no way we can repair it for the Lexington parade because it is tomorrow night. So, don't look for Davidson Water in the parade tomorrow. I'm going to try and post some pictures of the float because it was wonderful. He did a great job!!
Sorry, that I haven't written in a while but I think I have caught everyone up!! Maybe I won't be so busy from now on! ~Hope all had a wonderful Thanksgiving~