Friday, February 26, 2010

Praising the God who gives and this time, TAKES AWAY!

As I am writing this post, I am crying my eyes out while asking the question "WHY"! Today, I lost a friend...very suddenly! I am listening to the song "Praise You in this Storm" over and over and I want to obey those words but it is so hard not to ask the questions that are so common for us as humans, WHY...She was so young (my age)?! Jessica was a wonderful christian. Her love for her Savior was so real and she loved Him with all her heart. She was a wonderful friend, wife, mother and daughter. She has touched so many lives but I know that she has impacted the lives of her two, beautiful, young babies! Her daughter just turned 2 in Dec and her baby boy isn't even 1 yet. I can't even imagine.

I met Jessica back in 1998 when I went with Word of Life to Poland and Czech Republic. We become good friends right away. The whole month we were together...She was a nut! She was also from VA so we didn't live too far away. She was amazing on this trip. She wasn't shy at all...She came right out of that shell and was leading people to Christ left and right. She was an excellent role model and I tried to follow her footsteps that month. I don't even know how many people she lead to the Lord on that trip but I know that there will be more in Heaven because of her. She went on many trips after that and she also attended WOL Hungry for college. She was an amazing witness for her Lord!

After we returned from our mission trip, we kept in touch. Her mom would drive her to Greensboro and my parents would drive me there and then I would go the rest of the way to VA with her...We would spend the whole weekend and sometimes part of the week together. She was a great friend. We stayed in contact through letters and stuff but as we got older we lost contact. Thankfully through Facebook we found each other again and started right back up. I enjoyed chatting with her through there and I loved looking at all her pictures of her beautiful babies! We were even making plans to meet up in a couple of weeks when she made her way back to Greensboro. Oh, how I am going to miss that reunion but I know that I will be reunited with you one day!! Thank you for being a great friend and role model!

When I got the news today, I was so shocked and so very sick on my stomach. I feel so much pain for her family but especially for those babies. Abigail is not at the age to understand where Mommy is. I am praying for strength for that family. I can't imagine the pain that each of them are going through. I pray for her mother because she is the one who found her, she is going to have to deal with that image forever. I can't imagine. I know that her mother and her were very close and I pray for strength for her mother. God's grace is sufficient and I know that He will bring them through. Please join me in prayer for this family, the Boozer/Breedlove Family.

I Will Praise You In This Storm! I will raise my hands and praise the God who gives and takes away!!


Pam said...

Oh, Amanda! I am so sorry, so very, very sorry. Praying for you and the family.

Kimberly said...

Amanda, I am so sorry to hear about this precious friend. It sounds as though she was a wonderful person, and what an impact her life made for the Lord. I pray that God will comfort you and her family with peace that only He can give. I pray for these two babies who will have to grow up not knowing Mommy. But rejoice in the fact that she has now seen her Savior face-to-face!

TheGenerationShop said...

Please know I am praying for you and for this woman's family. May the Comforter make His presence known to you and the family at this time. I'm so sorry Amanda. Lean on the Father. Rest in His Love. Celebrate your friends life.
Think of how she's worshiping the Father now....

Andrea said...

Praying for you and the family.

Kim said...

What a beautiful tribute. I have been praying for you.