Monday, March 30, 2009

Catching Up To Do...

Not much has happened in the Phelps' home except Soccer Season!! Boy, do I love this time of year. Logan plays for North Davidson league and also for the Spring Soccer at Union Grove. I am not sure how many years he has played but he truly enjoys it and he is really good (I'm not just saying that!). Although this year at Union Grove he has an awful coach. I am sorry to say, but this coach knows nothing about soccer, I don't think he has ever played before, and he never lets Logan play!! He's just horrible!!! I sure hope he isn't getting paid to coach!! JUST KIDDING....I am sure, some people's mouths are hanging open. Logan's coach is awesome and even if he was awful, it would be okay because I'm married to him!! Logan does get to play and he does score!! *I read this to Kyle and he wanted me to clarify that he did play all through high school* Please don't think that I think my husband is a bad coach, I just wanted to add some spice to my boring entry!

Also, I've been a little bummed the past couple of weeks. Me being a Duke fan has taken the past couple of weeks hard. I mean, we win the ACC and then blow (and I mean blow) the NCAA!! I am hoping that UNC wins but not because I like them or because I am pulling for them, but because I want a Carolina team to win. Trust me, I am not wasting my time watching a UNC game but I am cheering them on! Man, that was hard to type...I guess because I am saying it aloud in my head!

I am also patiently waiting the arrival of my best friend's baby! Her due date is April 7 but they tell her any day, so I am waiting for my phone to ring!! Also, my other best friends are going Thursday to find out what they are having...I am super excited about that too!

I have also been depressed this week...Can you believe my baby is turning 8 in a couple of days?? I can't believe that he is 8! These eight years have just flown by. I sit back and wonder where the time has went and I just can't figure it out. It seems like just yesterday I was bringing him into this world!! He has brought so much joy to my life!! I never really knew love until they placed him in my arms!! He is my life and I am so thankful for him and thankful that God trusted me enough to give me this precious little boy! This little boy who is counting down the days to NO MORE CAR SEAT!! He is sooooo excited!!


Caleb, Courtney & Cooper said...

ah, I don't think you've changed any since WAY back in the day....I think we might could actually get along now though! HAHAHA (not that we didn't we just tolerated each other so I heard!) You have a beautiful family and I am glad you all are doing so well. It's been nice being able to catch up with you as well!

Pam said...

You really had me going on that bad coach thing, LOL!

Kimberly said...

Well, I've been wondering when you were going to update us on your family. I'm always glad when I see families spending time together. And active children! I have so many that I teach that would rather play video games all day than to run around outside.

(and yes, my mouth was hanging open...I thought, I can't believe she just said that...) You got me!

Andrea said...

Logan hasn't changed a bit...well, except for growing, but he still looks just like he did when he was a baby!!

Angie Tullock said...

I was so hoping you were going to say, "Yuri Brown"...nah..just kidding..(I pick on her every chance I get)You had me going too...I was shocked then relieved to find out you were talking about your husband. Be sure to watch those Tarheels! Go Heels Go!!

Sharon said...

I was wondering who you were talking about. I was getting ready to call Jason. :0) Wow no more car seat that is a big milestone for Logan and you. I'm looking forward to those days. That will save me an extras 15 minutes a day.

Heather said...

You had me going too! I am sure Kyle loves coaching the team...after all, he wishes he was 8 again anyway:o)

Diane Teague said...

You got me also. I thought I hope whoever this coach is doesn't follow blogs or even know how to use a computer.

What a thing to celebrate. No more car seat. Happy early birthday Logan.

My baby is getting ready to turn 40 can you belive that. Boy she is old.

Kim said...

What a big birthday - no more car seat!

I am glad you are having great family outings watching Logan play soccer and Kyle coach.

I am praying for you :)